Remember to post as a COMMENT under the Main Post for the week. This is a wonderful way to see how the weekly theme connects us as a community.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Lean on Me

Every so often we blog about what we call Trade Secrets - the things that we have found to consistently work in an abundant healthy lifestyle.  We have talked about drinking water, the power of herbs and spices, the importance of sleep.  One thing I don't think we have covered in the blog, and is an important "trade secret" is the power of community.

Knowing that you are not alone as you reach for your goals, can helpt to establish a foundation for success.  Being part of a team means that you are accountable.  The team can cheer you on and lift you up.

As Empowerment Partners, we are the most imprtant "Trade Secret" in this whole journey.  As the song says - "We all need somebody to lean on."

Here's to an empowering experience for us all.

Love, Tee

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


The funny thing about goals is that they are so important yet so easy to ignore or overlook.  Take me for example.  I set a goal earlier this year to have my AHL written on the Friday before the Sunday it needed to be posted.  Well, here it is Tuesday.  Not sure that my goal for posting on the blog is working. 

Do you have goals that do not seem to be working?  Goals seem simple but in fact they are complicated.  They require thought and attention.  They need to be realistic and measurable.  Too often, people set lofty goals - I will run 10 miles by the weekend - without laying the foundation.  How about just setting a goal to run one mile?  And then build up from there.

There is a saying - How do you eat an elephant?  One bit at a time.  Well the same thing can be said for losing weight - except you take one less bite at a time.  Small movements on the scale are easier to plan for and easier to achieve.  And, they are healthier,  One to two pounds a week is manageable, measurable, achievable. 

Another key thing about goals is accountability.  Who is in your corner reminding you of what you hope to achieve?  It may be annoying in the moment to have somone remind you to "put down that peanut butter cup" but if it reminds you of your goals, then it is worth it. 

I'm cheering for you!

Activities and Questions:
Look at your goal list.  Are they measurable and attainable? 
If they are - how are you doing so far?  Is there cause for celebration?
If they are not - how are you doing so far?  Is there cause for correction?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Keeping Your Word ... to YOURSELF!

Keeping Your Word to Yourself
This Abundant Healthy Living Principle was a real 'eye opener' for me. While I pride myself in keeping my word to others, I was constantly letting my self off the hook for commitments that I made to myself.

When you keep your word or as coach extraordinaire, Mark Fournier, likes to say when you be your word you begin to trust yourself more, rely on yourself more and create different results in your life.

Best Selling Author, Robert Kiyosaki says we each have a winner and a loser inside of us. Who are you going to let run your life? If your loser wakes up in the morning and says you can skip exercise today, you roll over and go back to sleep and let yourself off the hook. What happens is that your self esteem goes down a notch. It's nothing huge but a continual pattern of these actions and you won't have any faith in your ability to follow through.

Start keeping track of your promises, commitments, intentions. when making them, catch yourself and make sure that are really attainable and then do your best to follow through.

Acknowledge and celebrate when you keep your word to yourself. Strengthen the muscle and soon you will notice that you have a new attitude about yourself.

What area of your life do you allow yourself the most do-overs?
What do you think will change if you begin to keep your word to YOU?

Take one day this week and honor yourself by keeping your word to all of your intentions.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sometimes the Message Catches You Off Guard

I woke up in my hotel room yesterday morning at the crack of dawn and clicked on the TV remote.  I figured I would wake up for a few minutes with a Sunday morning infomercial.  I moved through the channels and settled not on an infomercial, but on a church service led by Joel Osteen.  I like Joel and decided to listen for a bit.

Joel's message was on the power of the positive mind and on forgiveness and how you needed to clear your head from messages of self-doubt and anger in order for God to work in your life (feel free to insert the name of your own divine power, here.  Mine just happens to be God). I continued to listen because I could feel it was a message meant for me. 

My topic for the blog is Bright Train/Dark Train.  And Joel's message was timely.  I realized that while I have made great strides toward getting myself and my goals back in alignment, I was also firmly on the dark train about some things.  I need to work on forgiveness.  Unless I do, my bright train will not be as bright as it can be.

Country artist Josh Turner sings - "...The Devil is driving that long black train."  

So, sometimes, the message about getting on the bright train comes from the strangest places - your hotel room, a stranger, a dream, a song lyric. Are you listening?  

So, to Joel, Josh, and God - I hear you.

Love, Tee


Are you firmly in your seat on the bright train?  Is your view a little cloudy?
Do you feel that by having a seat on the dark train - even for one stop - is holding you back from your goals and dreams?


Look through your baggage before getting on your bright train.  Decide what bags you can leave at the station.
Spend a day aware of each situation and your reaction to it.  What direction does your mind go to?  If it's negative, catch yourself and switch the moment to a positive.  What happened? 

Monday, October 4, 2010

What You Think You Are...You Are

Our thoughts are powerful.   Everything exists twice.  Everything.   First as thought, and then as form.

So how is this good news for those of us on an Abundant Healthy Living journey?

When we focus out thoughts to be supportive of the healthy fit person we know we are, then our actions will begin to support thoughts and our life will show up in healthier happier ways.

A great book to use that will help you on this journey is "Law of Attraction" by Michael J. Losier.   There are many exercises in this book and I highly recommend you take the time to do them.    You'll find this helps you create some powerful shifts in your thinking and that's only the beginning.

Here's one tip from the book.  When creating affirmations it might be a stretch for you to say "I am a healthy fit person now!"   Your mind may resist this and fight against this if you have a lot of challenges.   So, let's change these words to say "I am in the process of becoming healthier and more fit each and every day."   YES!   We are in constant change.   And if you have a commitment to your health and wellness, then you ARE in the process of becoming healthier and more fit.

Life IS a self fulfilling prophecy.   You decide what you think about YOU!  

- Were you ever told things as a child that made you think 'small', made you hesistate, to not try new things?  Do those early messages still affect you today?   How can you change these thoughts?
- Share at least one empowering statement you either have been using or just created.

- Start with the phrase:  "I am in the process of..."    Write out 3 or 4 healthy fit statements and begin and end your day reading these.
- Sometimes it's easier to listen to the words someone else says than to listen to your own words.   Take time to really listen when in conversation with some else.   Do you hear limiting thoughts expressed?   Do you recognize those same thoughts in yourself?   Find a way to open the converstion to rephrasing these thoughts to more empowering statements.   After all, friends exist to build each other up!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I love the really simple TRADE SECRETS that the Abundant Healthy Living partners have found.
Did you know that getting enough sleep can actually help you reach your desired weight?!

Turns out that we need a minimum of 7.5 hours to produce the right hormone that helps us lose weight. See the complete article by following the link and Happy Sleeping!

Do you currently get enough sleep? How many hours is right for you?
What is the one thing you could change to get better sleep?
Are you willing to make adjustments here to reach your wellness goal?

Determine if you need to add activities to help you transition to sleep.
Make a list of actions that might help you. Here are some suggestions ... prayer, meditation, journaling, stretching, a warm bath, a light snack, reading a chapter in a book, etc.
Will you commit to doing them for one week?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

In any language

och aye (Scotch) ola kala (Greek)
oke or okeh (Choctaw Indian)
aux Cayes (French)
au quai (also French)
Okay (English)

In any language, Okay is our post topic today. 

When I think about Okay I think about acceptance.  And acceptance is an important component of forward momentum and change.  See, in order for you to have the clear focus to move ahead, you have to be okay with where you are.  If you are not okay, then that creates a significant road block to all that you want for yourself because you are stuck.

How do you get to Okay?  One way is to do an exercise called Mirror Work.  Every morning and every night when you are going through your self-care routine - add a minute or two to look yourself in the eye and say - out loud - I'm okay and because I am okay, I am free to pursue and achieve my goals.  Some people even add "I love myself" and that makes it more powerful.  You can find more information on Mirror Work and other techniques to bring you to Okay in the book The Art of Extreme Self-Care: Transform Your Life One Month at a Time by Cheryl Richardson

To be honest, this past year, I have not been okay.  After my husband lost his job last fall I became stuck in a web of - I'm not okay and EVERYTHING is not okay.  I couldn't break out of my slump and even the AHL techniques that I KNOW WORK didn't seem to help.  I couldn't get off of the Dark Train.  My weight went up, my spirits went down and everything in my life seemed to stall. 

And then summer came and I went in for ankle surgery and was home most of the summer.  Slowly, the stillness of not being able to walk around -first not at all and then not very much - settled into my brain. What was I doing?  I started to want to break out of the fog, to see myself and my dreams again.  I needed to get back to Okay.  So I took the steps to get there and in fact, I am still taking steps.  I started with getting back on the Bright Train (what is Okay about the situation?  What is GOOD about the situation?).  Then I tackled my weight - all of the AHL principles of clean, healthy, focused eating.  And so on.  I am still tackling things - with the big one being my belief - looking at myself in the mirror and reminding myself that everyday I am okay and that my dreams are out there for me.  And trust me, I am okay with that.

With love and okayness,

- What are the small or large things you can do to help you start and maintain each day at "Okay"? 

- Buy or borrow Cheryl Richardson's book The Art of Self Care.  Plan to do each monthly exercise.
- Remind yourself everyday that you are okay and that this day is going to be special.
- Share the love.  Tell someone else something nice about them.  Help them get to okay.

Monday, September 13, 2010


How do you keep your body charged and ready?  How do you keep your mind alert and open to life's possibilities?   What do you feed your mind and body to improve your ability to live a happy, healthy and vibrant life?

Are your foods and drinks full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, or are they empty calories?

How about what you read?  What you listen to?  Who you talk to?   Do these things raise your energy level or deplete it?   Do they open your mind to possibilities and opportunities?   Do they make you curious around other people or suspicious?

What we feed our body and mind matters. Is it Poison or is it Fuel?  Are you giving yourself the high test or the cheap stuff?  That's really your choice.   Is there an athlete that you really admire?   What do you think they would say if they saw what you ate?  What do you think they eat to stay healthy?

This is a key principle to integrate into your life to enhance your ability to live an Abundant Healthy Life.  You are being asked to take great care of your self and to learn to do what really serves YOU! These are not always easy changes for us to make but we will keep coming back to this.   Raising your awareness is always the first step.  

Remember, last week's post - you have to think healthy and fit thoughts first.    Healthy and fit thoughts are FUEL for your mind which help you make better decisions about providing fuel for your body. 

  • How do you start your day?   Do you feed your body fuel?  Do you feed your mind fuel?  Does it make a difference to your attitude for the rest of the day?
  • What do you REALLY think about the concept of everything being either Fuel or Poison - no middle ground?
  • For one day, just be aware of whether your feeding your body and mind Poison or Fuel. No judgements. Just awareness. Just taking the time to be aware can create new possibilities.
  • Challenge yourself to go for one day eating and drinking only FUEL for your body. How does it feel?  Is there resistance?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Healthy Fit Thinking PRECEDES Being Healthy and Fit!

It is that time of year when summer vacations are pleasant memories, the kids go back to school and we pause to take stock. At least for me, Fall has always been a time of new beginnings. Therefore it's a perfect time to circle back to the beginning of the Abundant Healthy Living Program to take a look at our founding principle, Healthy Fit THINKING precedes BEING Healthy and Fit.

I really love this simple sentence because it reminds us that being healthy and fit is really more about our belief and focus than anything else. If you are not thinking the right thoughts you will never reach your optimal goal. If through sheer willpower you do reach the goal you probably won't be able to maintain the results.

We must develop the mindset of a healthy fit person before we become a healthy fit person. This is why so much of our program is about creating new beliefs about who we are and what we want. We must change our thinking before we create the results we want.

Those of us in Arbonne have recently heard ... 'Your brain believes what it hears the most'. It is true here too and the AHL program keeps the right thoughts in front of you week after week so congratulations for being here.

I used to think ...

  • I will exercise when I have more energy. No, actually the exercise will give you more energy.
  • I will journal when I wake up feeling good. No, actually writing in your journal will help you feel good.
  • I will dress better when I drop some pounds. No, actually dressing better now will make you feel good about yourself and help you stay focused on dropping pounds.
  • I will finally be fit when ... fill in the blank. No, actually you begin the journey by seeing yourself as fit and taking the actions of a fit person now.
In each case you must have the healthy thought/belief and take the healthy action before it becomes your reality or your new default response. Don't you just love this?!

  • What is your strongest thought or belief that keeps you on the path to wellness?
  • What is your strongest thought or belief that keeps you from achieving your desired goal?
  • Think about your own thoughts. What is one that you could change for September?
  • What actions will you take to achieve it?
  • Check out our AHL Mindset List under the Healthy and Fit Mindset Tab
  • Print it, read it and put it to work for you.Place it where you will see it often, on your mirror, in your car, in your planner, wallet or purse, where ever you will see it often.

Monday, August 30, 2010

You are What You Eat

I know.  I know.  I have said this before and it is certainly a very well-worn saying.  But, sometimes, you need to hear things at least a million times before the message sinks in. 

During our time together - on the phone and in the blog - you have heard me go on about my love of SuperFoods (  Well, recently, I re-discovered a philosophy that walks hand-in-hand with not only SuperFoods, but with the abundant healthy living philosophy we've been embracing. 

The practice is called Eat Clean (  The maven of the Eat Clean movement is a gal called Tosca Reno.  I encourage you to pick up one of her books - The Eat Clean Diet or The Eat Clean Diet Recharged are good starting points.  I have been eating clean for almost three weeks now and have lost 7 pounds.  My head is clearer and I no longer have the mid-day energy lull. 

The basics of Eating Clean are no white flour, white sugar (or white sugar derivative), or foods that are over processed.  If the label has more than five ingredients, or words you cannot pronounce it is not clean.  An interesting blog about food additives can be found at

Additionally, eating clean involves buying local and using herbs and spices to bring out the real flavor of foods.  The plan also calls for small meals six times a day and for drinking plenty of water.  Sound familiar?  We know this!  The eat clean books are so reader friendly and they do a great job of tying it all together with other key components like exercise, rest, and perspective.

I have started taking a cooler of clean food with me each week for work.  I bring lean protein (turkey, chicken tenders, hard boiled eggs) and fresh fruit and veggies and rice cakes, nuts, and other healthy snacks.  It takes no time at all to pull a cooler together for the whole week on Sunday night. 

I also have started making sure I have food with me every time I go out.  Yesterday we went to the State Fair and I took a sliced apple with natural peanut butter and a Clif Mojo Bar (70% organic, most delicious bar EVER - you can get them at Target).  I had a couple of bites of Fair food but I did not over indulge.

One of the best tricks I have learned from the eat clean books is the oatmeal bag.  Take a Ziploc baggie and put in 1/2 cup of quick cook whole oats (not instant) and a handful of dried fruit or raisins.  Stick the baggies in your handbag, your carry on, your glove box.  The baggies provide a nearly instant clean meal - all you need is a cup of hot water which you can get anywhere (and usually for free).  I have this for breakfast every weekday. 

The most successful way to lose weight and be healthy is to ignore the diet fads and stick to what we know works in the long run, clean, non-processed, super foods.

My oatmeal is calling!

  • What impact does making the commitment to eat clean or to choose SuperFoods have on you?  On the environment?  On the economy?
  • What can you do today to re-embrace the abundant healthy life you know you deserve?

  •  spend some time learning or reminding yourself about the principles of clean, local eating. The library, the bookstore, the Internet
  • go to a Farmer's Market, or your own garden and come up with meals using only the ingredients found there. A delicious plate of grilled veggies - onions, squash, tomatoes, beans, cucumbers - sprinkled with Old Bay. Delicious!
  • Make up some oatmeal bags. Go to Trader Joe's and check out their individual packs of dried fruit and nuts. Prepare yourself for when you are not prepared! :-)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Life's Elixer

Water – This is probably the most essential nourishment for our overall health and therefore an obvious choice to give special attention to in our weekly post.

Water has an extensive range of functions essential to life.
- Water assists digestion, absorption and assimilation of food. If you don't drink enough water you can't get the full benefit of nutrients in the food you eat.
- If you don't drink enough water you get constipated and put your kidneys under stress.
- Water is also essential to regulating your body temperature. If you don't drink enough water you compromise the evaporation process your skin uses to keep you cool.
- Staying hydrated will also improve your cognitive ability.

Those reasons are significant enough to make me take note. And if your goal is to lose weight, there are even more reasons to reach for water. Few people realize at first just how essential water is to the success of their weight-loss program.

Water is a natural appetite suppressant. Your brain does not differentiate between hunger and thirst. So, when you think you are feeling hungry, your body may in fact be signaling to you that you are thirsty! So reach for that glass or bottle of water before you reach for anything else!

If your diet has been one that did not provide you with adequate water, your body will have developed a pattern of storing water. It's part of the body's survival mechanism - to store up the essential nutrients in short supply - just in case they aren't available in the future. So if you don't drink enough water, you are 'conditioning' your body to store water. And water is bulk and unwanted inches.

It's so simple...drink water! But how much? The most common answer we hear is to drink 6-8 large glasses a day. I like the guideline to drink half your body weight in ounces. So if you weigh 150, you should drink at least 75 ounces of water a day. Now if you want to increase your water intake I recommend increasing the amount gradually until you get to your ideal intake – after all you are really stretching your water comfort zone. This is a great place to implement our Plus One technique!

And if you drink coffee or an alcoholic beverage, you will need to drink another TWO glasses of water to contract the diuretic effect! And what about soda? A study at the University of Texas Health Science Center found that there was a 41 percent increase in the risk for being overweight for every single can of diet soda a person consumed daily.

So realize that alcohol, caffeinated drinks and sodas are NOT an alternative for water.  If you don’t like the taste of water you can look to Arbonne for a couple of options. Try adding Arbonne’s Fizzy Tabs. They not only make water easier to drink but provide the added benefits of a focused energy boost, appetite control and increased metabolism! And you can also explore the world of herbal teas instead – like Arbonne’s Detox Tea, you may be pleasantly surprised!

When you make a choice for what to drink, you’re better off making it an informed choice. That’s what we want to offer you here.

- Be honest, how do you really feel about drinking water?! What are your stumbling blocks?
- If you’ve successfully achieved a healthy intake of water, what have you noticed about how you feel? Sharing this can be great encouragement for others.

- For one day, write down how much water you are drinking. Simply observe and record.
- If there is a gap between how much water you are drinking and what is recommended for you, use the Plus One technique to gradually increase your consumption of water.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


This principle addresses the fact that on our journey to Abundant Healthy Living we will have times when we 'fall off the wagon' or get off track. Usually for me it happens when I travel whether it is for business or pleasure. I am sure that some of us are in vacation mode right now.

Giving ourselves some grace is our approach and as with all of the Abundant Healthy Living principles this approach is empowering because it teaches us ...

  • To NOT to beat ourselves up
  • To acknowledge that it is normal behavior
  • To reassess our progress
  • To make a new goal and commitment
  • To get back to the choices that ultimately serve us.
Choose this approach rather than going down that dark road of giving up, thinking you are weak, thinking you have failed or thinking you can't continue where you left off. Know that all that happened was that you had a bad day or a bad week. No biggie! Think about what you can do to get right back to all the wonderful healthy choices and actions that you know how to do.
  • Think about how your summer is going and ask yourself if you have 'fallen of the wagon' in any area? By sharing your situation on the Blog you can inspire your AHL Team and get yourself back on track.
  • What have you done to take advantage of summer?
  • What one thing do you want to put at the top of your list as we head into the end of summer?
  • Set a new measurable goal to meet by August 31st!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Exceptions Should Not be the Rule

As I have been on this AHL path - one thing has become very clear to me.  We are willing to put up with behavior in ourselves that we would not put up with in others.  If we go to a store, or restaurant or to visit a professional service provider we expect to get what we want - not for the place or the person to substitute something else. 

We know what we need to do each day to live an abundant, healthy life, yet - we allow ourselves to make exceptions and permit behavior that is contrary to what we want and what we are working for. 

I struggle with exceptions.  It's not always easy to keep in line with our goals.  Situations and loss of mindset derail us.  We make choices that we are not happy with.  The key to dealing with exceptions is two-fold - realize that they happen and to be aware that making exceptions cannot become the rule.  An exception is something that happens on occasion, not daily.  If you are making exceptions daily - it's time for a course adjustment and to recommit.

As always, a foundational principle of the AHL program is awareness.  If you are aware, you can make the change you need to be back on track. 

- think about the times where you are likely to make an exception.  Devise a "plan B" or "option 2" that you can have in your back pocket when you feel an exception coming on.  For example - do you always make an exception for dessert?  Well, then perhaps your plan B is to always order the fruit or the sorbet.  Then you have satisfied your interest in dessert but in a more healthy way.
- if you've been making a lot of exceptions - then it's time to recommit.

Enjoy August!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sneak Eating - Who Are We Hiding From?

Sneak Eating…yeah, you know what this means. Whether it’s adding that candy bar at the check-out and eating it in the car, or having a ‘special drawer’ in your office that you open when you’re really stressed, or waiting for your spouse to go work outside so you can open the pantry…it’s all the same. And who are we kidding? Who do we think we’re really hiding from? Who always knows? We do.

This behavior isn’t empowering. It isn’t part of the Abundant Healthy Fit mindset. When we hide or sneak, it’s as if we are accepting that “this is the way it will always be”. It’s actually a form of self-sabotage. So let’s change it! The first step is to bring it out in the open. Shed some light on it. You may still have that snack, and then again, in the light of day you may realize you deserve to treat yourself better.

And what’s better? Adopting a mindset of grazing…or refueling. Healthy Fit thinking is about asking ourselves – what FUEL does my body need next? The next time you think of snacking – picture that you’re putting sand in your gas tank – do you really want to do that?

So, what’s in your kitchen? Do you have unhealthy temptations within easy reach? Or are your options weighted in favor of healthy, nutrition-rich options? Preparation is the first step. Create your own master list of healthy foods you can graze on, post this in your pantry, carry it with you when you shop.

Make it easy to make the choices that keep your body tuned and fueled so you can be a shining example of an Abundant Healthy Fit person!

1. When do you find yourself sneaking food? What are you feeling right beforehand? What experiences trigger this behavior? How can you bring awareness to this behavior and create a new healthier way to respond to the triggers?
2. What are your favorite healthy grazing foods? What do you do to make these convenient choices to reach for instead of sneak eating?

1. Make us of one (or more) of the techniques we’ve shared on this blog when you find yourself sneaking. Ask yourself ‘Is this Poison or is this Fuel? Decide to wait 5 minutes and see if the desire is still there. Drink a glass of water first! Share what you try on the blog!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Creating Change by Stretching your Comfort Zone

To create new and different results we must stretch beyond our current comfort zone.
CHANGE just doesn't happen within the comfort and safety of your current operating system!

This doesn't necessarily mean you need to turn your life upside down, quite the contrary, we have found that small incremental steps will create lasting change and real results.

Think of your comfort zone as a rubber band. Stretch it on Monday by walking an extra mile and on Tuesday morning when you get up that rubber band may have contracted a bit but never all the way. It is easier to do again because you've done it once. There are a million other examples but you get the picture.

If you continually stretch and add a moderate or even a tiny bit more whether it's restraint or progression your comfort zone will be always be in a state of expansion. The great news is that this is true in your quest to be healthy, happy, successful ... really all areas of your life!

Abundant Health is our goal and every choice we make all day long moves us up and down the Wellness Continuum.
Picture a scale with a state of disease and despair on one end and ultimate health and joy on the other. With each choice you make you are moving towards one or the other.
One ice cream sundae is not going to make you ill and one walk is not going to make you healthy but you get the picture. It is the cumulative sum of all your choices that make you
one or the other.

1. What is one area of your life where you have successfully stretched your comfort zone?
2. What is the next thing you want to work on and how will you stretch your comfort zone?

1. This week, commit to that ONE new action to stretch your comfort zone.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I wanted to examine the root words for the concept of willpower.  According to - will means to wish or desire and power means the ability to do or act.  So it would follow that willpower means to wish or desire the ability to do or act.  To be successful requires willpower.  But does it?  That seems contrary to the definition which clearly states that it is merely a wish for power - not a guarantee for success.

My Pop Pop used to say, "If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride."  He also said, "If wishes and buts were candy and nuts, my what a Christmas we'd have."  His point was that wishes aren't going to make it happen.

Willpower cannot be achieved without first gaining power over your mind or your mindset.   There are so many platitudes that remind us of this fact -

  • If you think it - you can do it. 
  • If it's important you can make it happen. 
  • Thoughts become things - make them good ones.
To believe in and set your mind to something changes the dynamics.  You're no longer wishing for power, you are setting the stage to believe in yourself and your goals.  What is your mind set?  Are you trying to achieve your goals purely through will?  Or have you bought into what you want, set your goals and built a belief system (mindset) that will help you become successful?

Have you ever experienced what it is like to try and accomplish something based merely on will - or the wish for success.  What did that feel like?
Now think about a time where you set out to achieve a goal with your mind, heart and body set for success.  How was that different.

Think of a small goal.  Spend a day wishing for the power (willpower) to achieve the goal.  At the end of the day, how successful were you?  Then spend another day working toward the same goal with a firm plan, an open heart and a spirit of success.  Compare the results.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Helping You to Stop and Go

This week we’re going to look at some specific applications of Anything Is Better Than Nothing. These are techniques that you can implement in a variety of ways to keep you moving in the right direction. Sometimes we want to make progress in stopping or delaying a behavior or action. And other times we want to find the motivation to stretch a little more towards our healthy goals. These are techniques that can be used to help you do both. And the best thing is – they are simple!

When we make little changes, stretch our comfort zone just a small amount, we don’t resist the change so much. And when we do that consistently, soon our comfort zone has changed, and we are that much healthier.

Our first technique is called Plus One

• Plus One is about doing one more minute, one more mile, one more block, one more repetition … your goal is to stretch the action and benefit just a little more than you did yesterday or the week before. Any stretch beyond your usual level of activity is a positive step and works in your favor.

• This is easy to apply to exercise. It can also be used with other things, like increasing your water intake – one more glass, one more gulp. Apply this to reading you do for personal development – one more page, one more chapter.

• This works with any beneficial activity – get extra benefit by applying the Plus One technique.

Then we have those habits or actions that really don’t serve us. Here is a place to apply a Five Minute Mission.

• Five Minute Missions are when you choice to delay an action. Delaying eating a snack or having a glass of wine for just five minutes more

• In the moment you might say I can’t do this but if you take it five minutes at a time you can do it.  Commit to holding out just five more minutes and you are expanding your Comfort Zone.  Just think about the next five minutes. If that’s too much, think about the next five seconds; stay in the immediate moment.

• Even if we postpone eating the cake for five or ten minutes and then have some, we’ve still successfully delayed that bite. Every time you wait a little longer, you get better at waiting and before you know you have changed your Basic Nature and you don’t even want cake anymore.

• This technique doesn’t just apply to eating either! If you’re goal is to quit smoking, you could try waiting 5 minutes before lighting up. If you have a big project or chore to do, decide to spend 5 extra minutes on it the next time you work on it. Get creative!


- When do you feel like you have your ‘weak moments.’ When do you feel like you slip the most? Could a Five Minute Mission help in these times? Blog about how you feel after you’ve been able to use this technique.

- Share your most creative ways you employed the Plus One technique. Have fun with this! Did you park on row further away from the entrance? Did you go up and down the stairs one more time…just because? Let’s see how many different ways this technique can be put into practice this week!


- Pick a healthy activity that you currently do and apply the Plus One technique. Use this technique to increase your activity just a little bit. Depending on the activity, add a little bit more each day or every few days. You’ll be surprised at how much progress you’ll make by doing this!

- Choose to use a 5 minute mission on some task or action this week. Use a timer, if it helps.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Anything is Better Than Nothing

This is such a powerful principle and one that totally changed how I look at the world ... in both health and other areas too!~

This principle is not complicated, it is about not stopping yourself from accomplishing a little bit just because you don't have the time, energy, money, whatever to do it all.

  • Can't walk five miles, fine, walk to the mail box.
  • Can't be perfect with your fuel selections for an entire day, how about one meal or two?
  • Can't make all of the calls on your list, sit down for 15 minutes and do a few.

You get it, it's simple, simple, simple but IT WORKS!! All of your smaller efforts add up and ... anything is better than nothing!!

Pick something where you could take some action, right now. Blog about it.
Pick a day this week to challenge yourself to make short bursts of progress in as many areas as you can.

What is area that you are best in making little steps towards that greater goal?
What is the one thing that you always push off because you can't tackle the entire expectation/goal?
What do you think stops you from making progress towards your goal?
Share where you will will apply this principle this week.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Howdy Partners!

“Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends. “

The Beatles always seem to have a lyric to compliment just about anything you need/want to discuss. I thought this line from Sgt. Peppers was perfect to open a discussion about Empowerment Partners.

One of the most powerful aspects of the Abundant Healthy Living Program is the fact that you are not in it alone. A community of like – minded people makes working toward any goal easier. Empowerment Partners takes community to a whole new level.

When a community of people empowers you – it serves to shore up your own foundation. The power of many strengthens your quest to achieve and abundant healthy lifestyle. When you have partners it connotes a vested rather than a casual interest in your success. Empowerment Partners.

Your challenge may mirror mine and I draw strength from you. We may experience very similar successes and goals achieved. When we support each other and add our own success and challenges to the experience, what results in a richer learning environment and a stronger desire for personal and group success.


- Think about a time where you attempted to accomplish a goal alone. Were you successful? How did it feel?
- Now think about something you attempted as part of supportive community or with a partner? How was that experience different?


- This week pay attention to the different aspects of your life. When do you feel most supported? Why? How can you replicate that across multiple areas of you life? How can you make having Empowerment Partners standard in your life?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Comparing Yourself to Others Does Not Serve

Interesting word – compare. I looked this up in the dictionary and here is the main definition: to examine (two or more objects, ideas, people, etc.) in order to note similarities and differences.

Another interesting note I found stated: compare emphasizes the similarities between or among things, though not losing sight of the differences; contrast emphasizes the differences.

So what do we really mean when we say – Don’t compare yourself to others? We seem to have rewritten the definition of this word to be a synonym for contrast. I know for me, this sentence brings to mind that I would focus on the differences and especially on those I found lacking in myself, and thus bring my self image down. When we compare ourselves to others, and focus on the negative, we never win.

Yet, what are we usually comparing? What we usually do is compare our worst or our weaknesses to someone else’s best or their strengths. Does this make sense? Of course not! Unless all things are equal (i.e. family history, diet through the years, activity level, body shape, height, etc.), then we’re really not comparing like things, so it’s not a valid comparison. We’re really finding the contrasts – we’re focusing on how we are different, not how we are alike.

And even the act of identifying what’s different isn’t necessarily negative or destructive. Where we get in trouble is then making the CHOICE to label one thing as better than another. We decide that we are not as good. What’s great about that is that we can also decide to rewrite this particular story.

We can’t change our height, our general body shape, the size of our feet. So what good does it do to compare that to someone else and wish we had their height, body shape or foot size. If you got inside their head, they would more than likely have their own set of comparisons that cause them to be unhappy about themselves.

What a waste of our energy. Focus on what brings you joy. Find a way to rewrite your story about your imagined shortcomings. Yes – you are responsible for deciding they are shortcomings so pony up and decide what great about them! Free yourself to be your best YOU.


- Who have you compared yourself to? Did it ever make you feel better? Or worse?
- How would you finish this sentence…’I wish I were more like…because they are…’. Now change the beginning of this sentence and say…’I admire this person because they are…’ If you take your ego out of the comparison, does that change make you feel any different?


- Here’s a challenge. Every morning, for at least a week, look in the mirror, look into your own eyes and say: I love you exactly as you are. Repeat it more than once. Notice how your body feels after you say this a few times.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Abundant Healthy Living Goals

The Abundant Healthy Living approach to GOAL SETTING is just like the rest of our program ... EMPOWERING!

A goal is not something to dread or fear. Think of it as a tool to help you reach your desired result. Your goal should be measurable and have a deadline. Think of it as a destination. With out a map and directions we would just wander around and perhaps never reach our destination. With directions and a route we can stay focused and make real progress.

If you miss your deadline, just reevaluate, note and celebrate your progress and set a new deadline. Never let a goal be a reason to 'beat yourself up' or it becomes self defeating.

So, think about your most important desire, the one that will give you the results you most want!

  • Create the goal
  • Share it with AHL empowerment partners
  • Create a plan to reach the goal
  • Break the plan down into baby steps
  • Set your intention
  • Take action
  • Remember to celebrate your success
Have goals been helpful to you in the past?
Have you remembered to celebrate your success, regardless of how small the goal was?
Do you think that the AHL way of thinking about a goal will benefit you?

Create a short term goal ... perhaps July 31st
Create a long term goal ... perhaps year end
Share your goals on the Blog to empower yourself and others

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Me, Myself, and I

Me, Myself and I

Just imagine for a minute that you are on a plane getting ready to take off. The flight attendants are working their way through the required FAA safety announcements. They get to the part about what to do when the plane loses pressure and an oxygen mask descends from the ceiling. The flight attendants tell you – “If you are traveling with a child or someone who needs assistance – put your mask on first and then help your companion.” You need to put your mask on first because if you don’t then you’ll pass out and so will the person you are traveling with because you weren’t able to help them.

I don’t think this is much of a stretch as a comparison to when it comes to making healthy fit choices. BUT, because we don’t have life attendants giving us permission to take care of ourselves first, we often go to extremes and put ourselves last.

It is not selfish or self-centered to make a commitment to you and to put your health and well-being first on the list. Think about how much more efficient you are when you are well-rested, well-nourished, well-hydrated, and you have some exercise endorphins running around in your body. Your body and mind are like fine race cars, they need to be tuned up and ready to go.

Making a commitment to you requires a mind shift – remember so much of what we do is about mindset. Not only is recommitting one of our principles but so is committing. In order to recommit you have to have committed to something in the first place. Here is a radical idea – how about making the commitment to you.

I am your life attendant and I am giving you permission to take of yourself first.

- Schedule your fitness time into your calendar. For example at 5:00pm everyday your calendar reminds you that it’s time to go for a walk/run/swim/stretch.
- Find time to sit with yourself for five or ten minutes to breathe deep and find your center. This could be on the subway, in the shower, or anywhere.
- Jot down the times you found yourself pushing aside your needs to fulfill someone else’s. Blog about it. Was it really necessary to put them first? Could they have waited while you walked for 20 minutes?
- Reward yourself when you make it through a whole day full of self care and love. A fresh tomato with pepper and salt from your garden, fresh flowers, an extra chapter in your “beach book.”

Have a wonderful week!
Love, Tee

Monday, May 31, 2010

Choose an Empowering Outlook

This week’s principle is another mindset principle. Why do we spend so much time here? Because this is how lasting change begins – by strengthening our mindset.  This principle builds on both “Healthy Fit Preceeds being Healthy and Fit” and “Life is a Self Fulfilling Prophecy”. This principle states Choose an Empowering Outlook.

We’ve all heard the metaphors: Glass Half Full – Glass Half Empty; High Road – Low Road; Bright Train – Dark Train; Lemons or Lemonade.

The crux of each of these metaphors is CHOICE - when faced with a situation WE get to choose our response …it may be consciously taken or we may be on autopilot, but we do choose.

We can find the good or positive in a situation or we can focus on the obstacles, the negative, and the bad. Our results, really our life, depend on how we interpret and respond to a situation.   What we chose becomes our reality so we choose our reality. So why not chose the story that supports your desired results?

Here are a couple of examples showing different interpretations or thoughts:

We can say… I’ll always have weight problems
Or we can say… I’m always learning new ways to help me maintain a healthy weight.

We could say...being fit is just too much work
Or we can say... learning how to be fit and healthy is fun and rewarding.

One will keep you where you are, the second will allow you to create a new reality. Do you hear and feel the difference? In the first our energy is lowered, the 2nd is empowering.

Increasing our awareness of when our thoughts are not leading us in a positive direction and readjusting our thinking is the first step to rewriting our life.

  • What thought or thoughts did you catch yourself thinking this week? Share it? And share at least one way you can rewrite this to be more positive and empowering.
  • Was there something that you heard growing up that still has a hold over you? A limiting thought? Again, share it, rewrite it. By sharing on the blog you are taking the first step to releasing it’s hold over you.

  • Make a list of stories/beliefs/thoughts that don’t serve you. Take one and rewrite it. Imagine yourself using a new pair of glasses to see an old problem or challenge from a fresh perspective. How might a wise grandmother deal with the issue?
  • When talking with a friend, do you notice when they say something limiting about themself. Use this as an opportunity to say…what about thinking about it this way…sometimes by helping someone else rewrite their story we increase our ability to rewrite our own.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Life is a Self Fulfilling Prophecy

This week’s Abundant Healthy Living Principle is that ‘Life is a Self Fulfilling Prophecy’,

You have heard it said many ways … ‘Thoughts Become Things, Choose Them Wisely, ‘What You Think About, You Bring About, and so on.

This principle is both empowering and overwhelming. On one hand, it is wonderful that we can steer our life in the direction we want. On the other, some people find it hard to accept that they are totally responsible for their own outcome!

The trick here is to think the right thoughts. If you are constantly thinking, saying or even feeling defeated about being over weight or sedentary you will continue to get more of the same. This principle is very closely tied to Healthy Fit Thinking precedes being Healthy and Fit so a great place to begin is with the list on the Mindset Tab above

Really listen to your self talk this week. Are you telling yourself the things that will create the vibrant, healthy YOU that you want to be? Awareness is a catalyst for change, so once you know what you are telling yourself, you can change your words to make them work for you!!


  • What is most prominent statement that is alive and well and sending you in the wrong direction?
  • What is one thing you could do this week that would change, even a little bit, how you feel about yourself?
  • Tell us one action item you will make this week to change your thinking.


  • Ask a trusted friend or your partner if you are putting negative messages about yourself into the world. Ask them to share one with you.
  • Journal about the Abundant Healthy Fit lifestyle you see yourself living.

Monday, May 17, 2010

If at First You Don't Succeed...

How many of us remember our parents and or grandparents sharing the following nugget of wisdom - "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." 

Well, perhaps we all need to fully embrace that bit of wisdom when we are working on our goals.  To try, try again is another way of saying Recommit.  Recommitting is a key principle to living abundantly and healthfully.  This key principle of the program recognizes that each day is not going to be perfect. You are not going to go through every day eating the exact right things and getting in the perfect amount of exercise. And there are going to be days where the call of the wine or the chocolate or the nap was just too hard to ignore.

Perfection is a skill I have not yet mastered. But, with healthy fit thinking, just because you have a less than perfect day you  should chuck all of your progress and slide back into old habits. They key is to confront the behavior and realign yourself with your goals. In the words of an old 70s song – one bad apple don’t spoil the whole bunch girl. It’s the same with healthy fit thinking. One bad choice does not negate the work you have done.

We must recognize that feeling guilty or quitting doesn’t mesh with what we know is possible. What does work is to recommit each time you falter, stumble, or give in to the siren call of wine, chocolate or other temptations. Sit with that weak moment for a minute. Acknowledge it. Understand it. Remember how you feel. This will allow you to move forward with awareness and will develop your ability to resist the urges in the future.

Be kind to yourself. Love yourself where you are.

Abundant Healthy Activities:
1. When you feel as if you have lost your focus - allow yourself to sit with what it feels like.  Are you frustrated, disappointed, angry?  What is going on in your world that was a precursor to the loss of focus?  Commit that information to memory.  Learn from it.  Blog about it.  Journal about. 
2. Challenge your self to go one day without the need to recommit.  Then go one more.  And one more.  When you reach a week without recommitting, take yourself for a "love me" activity - a pedicure, a massage, a walk in the park, buy a bouquet of gorgeous flowers for yourself.  Then, sit with that feeling of accomplishment.  Blog about it.  Journal about it.  Compare the two feelings.  Awareness is key.

Friday, May 14, 2010

It would have been easy.....

Last night my husband brought all the fixins for banana splits with him on our visit to the grand-kids. It was a special day... school's almost out, results from the aptitude tests are back (woo hoo!) and the kids sense summer's almost here. They love Grampa. They love Thursday nights with the G-Parents. So imagine their surprise when they watched the bananas split from top to bottom, the strawberry ice cream, the cool whip, etc etc etc... they were overjoyed. I WAS overjoyed that they had so much fun. "Hey," he said, "Want one....?" "No thanks," I replied.. and meant it when I said - "I'm fine." And I was. I am.

There was a time when it would have been impossible for me to turn down a scoop of strawberry ice cream. Not so any more. Now that Abundant Healthy Living principles are part of my breathing, waking, thinking, choosing, I make choices without having to stretch to catch the ball. It felt good. Thank you Gerri, Tee, San, and all my AHL buddies for making it possible to make a healthy choice and not feel cheated.


Daily Reminder - Healthy & Fit Mindset Principles

I found a way to keep myself reminded of the Healthy & Fit Mindset Principles on a daily basis.
On my computer I scheduled under an 8 AM appointment, on a daily recurring basis, "Healthy & Fit Mindset Principles" Important - Read! When I open the appointment the full list of principles is there. I'm on the computer every morning and this keeps those principles right at hand and on my mind.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Be Aware of Your Choices: Poison or Fuel?

Everything we consume either fuels the body or slows it down. Are you giving yourself the high test or the cheap stuff? For each and every bite or sip you take, evaluate whether the substance is Fuel for your body or Poison. Don’t beat yourself up; just note in your mind … Fuel or Poison. You may find that this simple shift of awareness starts you on the path of making better and better choices.

  • Are there specific circumstances that make you reach for ‘poison’?
  • What eating habits do you have that you can trace back to your childhood? Do these habits encourage eating fuel or poison?
  • What do you feed your MIND and SPIRIT? What do you read and listen to? Who do you spend time with?
  • Be aware of everything you eat – ask yourself – is this poison or is this fuel. Start out by increasing your awareness of what you normally do. Remember, no judgment, only awareness.
  • Challenge yourself to go one day eating and drinking ONLY fuel. How do you feel at the end of the day?!
Want some help when you're craving something in the poison category?   Find out how Arbonne can help with these Figure 8 support products:
  • nrgGO3! Fizzing Beverage Tablets – if you hate drinking water then try adding our Fizzy Tabs to your water – they will boost energy, control appetite and increase metabolism and you’ll drink more water in the process too! 2 flavors that you can even blend to get a 3rd flavor – well worth incorporating.
  • On the Go! Weight Loss Chews – take a look at these if you tend to reach for unhealthy snacks between meals. These will provide an energy boost as well as control appetite.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Healthy Fit Thinking PRECEDES Being Healthy and Fit!

This simple statement is profoundly life changing. We must develop the mindset of a healthy fit person before we become a healthy fit person. This is why so much of our program is about creating new beliefs about ourselves, the food we eat and what we do for physical activity.

Have you been stuck in the pattern of thinking you will exercise every day when you have more time, more energy or just plain feel better? We must take the healthy fit actions to get there.

What is your favorite healthy food? Share suggestions or recipes.
What is something you love to do that will stretch and tone you?
What is your top reason for wanting to be healthy and fit?

Create a list of how you think an Abundantly Healthy Fit person thinks or you can just borrow the one we have created and posted on the AHL ACTION PAGE.Create as much awareness around the list as possible. Read it each morning, put it on the fridge, the pantry, your planner, your mirror or even in your car.
Pick at least one day this week to make every choice a healthy fit choice or thought! If it goes well, keep adding days. We can't wait to hear about this on the Blog!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lunch today

I am enjoying a super foods lunch today.  I have baby spinach - slightly wilted with haved baby tomatoes, and sliced avocado.  Then I will have a greek yogurt with blueberries and a drizzle of honey.  My snack later will be an apple.  Everything I just listed is a super food.  Easy!

Love, Tee

Monday, April 26, 2010

Super Foods Link

Hey partners!

As promised, here is the link to the Super Foods Website

If you cook up any good super food combinations, please share!

Love, Tee

Monday, April 19, 2010

Great stuff on YAHOO!

Good morning partners!

I spend a little time each morning drinking a fizzy drink and looking at interesting stories I find on the YAHOO! news feed.  Here are a couple of links that I found this morning that are in line with our Abundant Healthy Living Goals.

Enjoy and Happy Monday!

Love, Tee

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tips for Healthy Living

I found this little tidbit on, and find it fascinating. I know I'll try them all.

Cutting just 100 calories daily can stave off creeping weight gain — and that can decrease your risk of developing breast cancer. National Cancer Institute researchers tracked the weights of nearly 100,000 postmenopausal women from the time they were teens and found those who had gained even a few pounds since age 18 had a greater risk of the disease. (The women weren't using HT, a known risk factor.) Here, easy ways to cut calories — and your risk:

Replace 8 ounces lemonade (110 calories) with lemon-flavored seltzer (0).

Trade a multigrain kaiser roll (180) for half of a whole-wheat pita (70).

Toss whole-wheat pasta with 1 cup fire-roasted diced tomatoes (60) instead of 1 cup tomato sauce (160).

Substitute 1/4 cup garden vegetable cream cheese (180) with 2 wedges Laughing Cow Light Garlic & Herb Cheese (70).

Spread a sandwich with 2 tablespoons hummus (50) instead of 2 tablespoons mayo (180).

Swap 7 Hershey's Kisses (179) for 30 semisweet chocolate chips (70).

For more easy ways to cut 100 calories, go to calories.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

BRISK Walk This Morning!

Temps are cooled off again.   Actually feels more natural than the summery heat we've just been through.   It did make my morning walk a bit nippy though!   I know that means my step was a bit faster so I could get home to warm up.

Regardless, I LOVE starting my days with a walk outside!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Quinoa - Finally tried it!

I know San has talked about this healthy grain before and I've been curious to try it.   Well, I finally did and on guests as well!  Isn't that brave of me.  :-)

We had cornish hens, fresh steamed asparagus and quinoa with toasted pinenuts, scallions and fresh basil.   Nice, nice combination.   I must admit, I did drizzle some of the 'juice' from the cornish hens on top of the quinoa for a little extra flavor.   All in all, it was a great meal.   I was impressed by the high fiber AND high protein content in this grain.   Definitely has high nutritional quality.  I'd recommend this to anyone who has not yet tried this.

I consider this a successful first experience and look forward to incorporating this more often into future meals now!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Good Morning!
With this weather, outdoor walks are so inviting! My neighborhood had nice wide streets and some slight hills so it is perfect. My goal is to walk everyday for a least a bit.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Making it a GREAT Day!

I got Saturday off to a GREAT Start. I took my first long walk in the neighborhood for the year - a little over an hour and i think it's a little over 4 miles. I walked down every cul de sac on my route - about 9 of them. Drank 16 oz of water during this time. And I found 2 dimes! A profitable walk if I say so myself.

And I found a 4-leaf clover! I've been finding 4-leaf clovers since I was a little girl. I just can't resist finding at least one every year - keeps that child in me alive!

And my treat for that wonderful metabolism boost is an Arbonne vanilla shake with strawberries and a banana mixed in for good measure. Yum Yum!

Remember to do something good for yourself today - you'll thank yourself for it later!

Love! Gerri

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Anything is Better than Nothing

I think my posting inspirations this week follow the theme of Principles. We'll see how long I keep this up. It's kind of fun to do it this way.

Today started early so I didn't get in my walk. So how do I fit in my exercise? Hmmmm. Well, the backyard needed some attention so I got out the rake, spent time raking up leaves, picking up branches, trimming and then vacuuming up the leaves. I figured that all counts as exercise and fits with 'Anything is Better than Nothing!'

And I soaked up some wonderful Vitamin D while I was at it. What a Great Day!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Plus One!

Great start to my day with a Plus One activity. San and I met for our walk at the Mall. I even got there early enough to do one full lap around the mall and then some - so it's an extra mile+ for me! Feels good to stretch on the activity level again.

And with sunshine and warm days ahead, I know there will be more outside walks, garden workouts and more to add in.

So where can You include a Plus One into your day? Please Share!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Keep Moving!

Hi Gerri, Tee, and San...

Thanks for a great call tonight

Especially love the encouragement to keep moving. Today, even though I didn't think I had the steam, I reached for a rake and spent an hour working in the garden. Ever notice that as you work, the kinks have a way of disappearing? At the end of an hour, the lawn was clean and green... old leaves gone, frayed branches picked up and gone. One more thing - led to such a feeling of accomplishment, not to mention a great hour of exercise in bright spring sunshine.

Thanks for the reminder - and the encouragement - to "keep moving"!



Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to share that even though it is gray and rainy, I am having a BRIGHT TRAIN day... good intentions, good food choices and T-Tapp and rebounding on my schedule.
'See' you all tonight for our Abundant Healthy Living Call!
Love, San

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Checking In

We had a Swiss Beauty Workshop here today so that some of our clients could learn more about the skin care side of our business. It was wonderful to see the new products and we have some Arbonne converts!!
It has been a good week for me, staying focused and losing 2.5 pounds!
On to another great week of Abundant Healthy Living!
'See' you all Monday night for the call.
Love, San

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I am thrilled to say that I am back on track ... and dropping some pounds.
The Abundant Healthy Living principles have helped me to maintain my weight where in the past I would have regained. I am happy to say that I am looking at some nice progress now.
This was a long plateau and I have loved the support of our program.
I am grateful to AHL and to all of you as I continue towards my healthy goal.
Love, San

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

REMINDER - No Call Monday, March 22

Good Morning All Aou Abundant Healthy Living Empowered Women!

I wanted to remind you that we will be skipping one week of our AHL calls due to travel and other conflicts with your Abundant Healthy Living leaders, Tee, San and I.

So for Monday, March 22nd - remember to still keep Abundant Healthy Living principles in motion and in practice. Check the blog, post, connect with an Empowerment Partner. I look forward to seeing and hearing what you'll be doing this coming week.

We'll return to our 'regularly scheduled program' on Monday, March 29th.

Remember to call in at 7:55 so we can start promptly at 8pm.

Call in # is: 712-432-0180 PIN 939046#

Enjoy an Abundant and Healthy Week!

Love - Gerri

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Travel Goals

Tomorrow I leave for a week of travel. First is Arbonne's National Training Celebration followed by a couple of days with a long time friend at the foot of Zion National park in Hurricane UT.

Traveling can be one of the stumbling blocks for following healthy and fit practices. In the past it's been when I give myself permission to 'overindulge' and then I find a few extra pounds to bring back with me. Since being in the Abundant Healthy Living program I have definitely turned this around and I want to continue that new trend by stating my commitments aloud to all of you in this blog.

- I am currently at 138.5 pounds and I will not bring any extra 'baggage' home, unless it is actually new Arbonne products!
- I will take the stairs instead of the escalators whenever I have a choice.
- I will start each day on the right note with an Arbonne shake, Arbonne Hybrids and Omega-3 Plus.
- When I do buy meals, I'll choose healthier, nutritious, flavorful choices.
- I will take my Going, Going Gone with or before each meal (and yes - these are in my packing pile already!)
- I will ENJOY this time that is ME time, being with people that I love, being around people that inspire me, and will stay open to new possibilities.

Monday, March 8, 2010


I love each session we do with Abundant Healthy Living. It's just that there's something special about starting anew. It just seems like a more significant point, a fork in the road, a new chapter.

And even though I am in this as one of the leaders for the calls, I am also a participant in applying these principles too. And I know that one of my commitments to myself in this round is to actively work with the assignments...anew.

It's wonderful to be starting SPRING with this program and my empowerment partners by my side.

Love! Gerri

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Light Minestrone Soup - For Veggie Lovers

I thought this recipe sounded so fresh & healthy and in the words of Julia Child "You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients"

Light Minestrone
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/3 cup chopped celery
1 carrot diced
1 garlic clove, minced
4 cups, fat-free, unsalted chicken broth
2 large tomatoes
1/2 cup chopped spinach
1 can (16 oz) canned chick peas or red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
1/2 cup uncooked small shell pasta (multigrain pasta if possible)
1 small zucchini, diced
2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped

In a large saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the onion, celery and carrots and saute until softened - about 5 minutes. Add garlic and continue cooking for another minute. Stir in broth, tomatoes, spinach, beans and pasta. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Add zucchini. Cover and cook 5 minutes more. Remove from heat and stir in the fresh basil. Serve immediately. VOILA!

-Betty Robinson

Rejuvenating Power of Qi Gong

Ok - I'm hooked on Qi Gong, especially when Karl Ardo leads a group.

I finally got to one of Karl's walk-in sessions last night with Myra and another friend Janice after a many, many week absence. This type of movement just resonates with me. I've been struggling with a stiff lower back since our back to back snow events last month. My Chiropractor has helped and so has my personal stretching, but it's still be nagging at me. Last night for the first time in quite a while I was able to go to sleep without any discomfort. And it still felt that way this morning.

So in the words of Neil Diamond and The Monkeys (yes, I know I'm dating myself!), I'm a believer!

I love that Abundant Healthy Living is about finding and embracing those activities that feed our soul. It IS personal. It has to be something that bring joy, energy and life. And one size does not fit all.

I'm just thrilled that I found a perfect fit for me! And I love that I can share the experience with two wonderful women.

Monday, March 1, 2010

March Mindfulness

We hear a lot about March Madness - well, I'm going to focus instead on March Mindfulness. I really want to re-awaken my awareness and attention to those things that serve me, that bring me joy, that enhance my health.

Spring is in the air. There's an expectancy in the breeze. And new energy in the morning birdsong. I am ready to to embrace being alive and aware each and every moment.

Tips from Dr. Oz

Hello everyone -

I haven't blogged in awhile but I do try to keep up with what you all post. 

I saw this in the paper the other day and thought they were some good informational nuggets.  They are from a column on health written by Dr. Oz. 

You have: Mid-morning hunger pangs
Try:  Drinking skim milk instead of juice at breakfast.  Proteins in milk are better at managing hunger than the carbs in the fruit juice.

You have: The afternoon munchies
Try:  Chewing gum after lunch.  People who did this had fewer cravings for sweets and ate fewer afternoon snacks.

You have: Seconds.  Thirds.  Fourths.
Try this: Eat walnuts before dinner.  The healthy fat in about 6 walnuts triggers a cahin reaction that slows the rate at which your stomach empties.  So, you'll be less likely to overeat.

You have:  A chocolate craving (story of my life - LOL!)
Try: walking down the hall (away from the vending machine!).  A 15-minute walked nixed cravings in a grup of chocoholics probably because the feel-good hit they got from moving around gave them what they were seeking from chocolate. 

You have:  A little movie with your popcorn
Try: Watching a funny movie instead of a tear-jerker.  When people in a study watched a fynny movie vs a tear-jerker, they ate 30% less popcorn.  And remember air-popped popcorn always.

Have a wonderful week.

Love, Tee

Beginning of March

Today is a new month with a new season in the verge of creation. Seems like a good morning to post my monthly goals to the group as my way of announcing them to the world. A nice way to promote personal change and accountability.
- my weight has held steady now for a few weeks..which is all good. I now know that for me to truely get beyond this plateau I need to do two things (that I know of right in this moment).

1. water,water,water. I will reset three alarms to my phone to fill my water container and drink it down.

2. I purchased a yoga CD online yesterday. It was primarily a CD entitled Yoga for MS. I am hoping that I receive it this week and can begin this practice.

3. Continue with spin classes 3 times a week.

4. increase veggies, fruits, and continue already established healthy eating principles.

5. Continue protein shakes for breakfast with blueberries or 1/2 banana with a tablespoon of flax seed oil mixed in.

If anyone want to chime in and add any suggestions, please do so.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Super Foods
According to
SuperFoods Rx: Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life, some foods will not only improve your life - but may well extend it.
For the list complete with suggestion on how to incorporate into your diet just email San at

BEANS – low-fat protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron, folate, potassium, and magnesium
BLUEBERRIES – fiber, folate, vitamins C and E, potassium, magnesium, iron, riboflavin, niacin, phytoestrogen, and only a few calories
BROCCOLI – folate, fiber, calcium, vitamins C and K, and beta-carotene
OATS - high fiber, few calories, protein, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, selenium, and thiamine.
ORANGES – Vitamin C. They are also good for fiber, folate, potassium, pectin
PUMPKIN - alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, high fiber, few calories, vitamins C and E, potassium, magnesium.

WILD SALMON – omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B and D, selenium, potassium, protein
SOY - omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, potassium, folate, magnesium, and selenium
SPINACH - beta-carotene, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C and E, thiamine, iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc
TEA - green and black. Flavonoids, fluoride, no calories.
TOMATOES - lycopene, few calories, alpha- and beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, chromium, fiber
TURKEY - (skinless breast) low-fat protein, niacin, vitamins B6 and B12, iron, selenium, and zinc
WALNUTS – omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins E and B6, magnesium, protein, fiber, and potassium
YOGURT live active cultures, calcium, vitamins B2 and B12, potassium, magnesium, zinc

Monday, February 22, 2010


Anyone have any tips about how to "handle" chronic cankersores? I read this in the paper this morning, but would appreciate knowing sources through diet, not supplements, of the necessary nutritional components.

: If I feel a canker sore coming on, I put a wad of chopped sauerkraut on the area, hold it there for a minute, then chew and swallow. I do this three or four times a day for two to three days.

A: Trauma to the mouth from sharp food can trigger a canker sore (aphthous ulcer). So can immune suppression or a deficiency of folic acid, vitamin B-12 and iron. A 1930s remedy recommended swishing sauerkraut juice in the mouth several times a day. Perhaps the bacteria that ferment cabbage into sauerkraut provide helpful nutrients.

A 2009 study demonstrated improvement in canker sores from 1,000 micrograms of vitamin B-12 daily (Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine).

I know there's no way you can encourage a kid to swish saurkraut juice in their mouths. Alternatives?

Grateful to you

Green Ginger Smoothie

Ginger was mentioned as one of the great thermogenic foods on tonight's call. This is a simple smoothie recipe I saw recently which sounded great. I just have to get some dandelion greens from the health food market or Whole Foods:

Green Ginger Smoothie
1 bunch dandelion greens
1 ripe mango (with peel if its organic) without pit (of course!)
1 ripe banana
1/2 inch fresh ginger root
2-3 cups water

Blend well and enjoy! - Betty Robinson
(my weekly post)

recommitting daily

I love the recommitting ritual. It is a wonderful routine way to wake up and begin the day on a positive note. I have found that even when the prior day was not fully based on AHL priniciples, recommitting in the morning is a great refocus for the brand new day and its beginning.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Comfort Food

If you all like comfort food - and who doesn't - check out Healthy Decadence by Devin Alexander.  She has a show on Fit TV and several cookbooks.  I love her and her food.    Worth a look. 

Love, Tee

Great Free Online Fitness Advice & Tools

I had started last year to develop an online log/journal format for eating, exercise and organizing my fitness regimen. I now do not have to reinvent the wheel. I stumbled on a FREE online program and tool which is fabulous. There are easy to use journals, healthy eating advice yummy low-calorie recipies, and workout routines. Please visit the Glamour magazine website and go to the Body By Glamour (BBG) link. This is a 12 week program, but I hope it will stay available on the website.

I registered for the Glamour Magazine website itself and then registered for the BBG Program, keyed in my profile information. and have been using the journals, monitoring my progress and getting all kinds of great information. You can set up your food "favorites" or search their food database and get a complete nutritional breakdown eg. calories, fat, protein and carbs you consume daily. Your cardio & strength journal lets you know how many calories you are burning per workout. This all has been great for assessing where I need to make changes or improvements.

This is my blog entry for the week and thank you very much for your kind words and good wishes for my mom. Betty Robinson

Monday Morning is a Fresh Start

I feel enpowered this morning. It is Monday once again, the sun is shinning, and a new week begins! Yes, I know all about the upcoming snow. BUT this time it is just a baby snow. We all can handle that in a pinch. We all are survivors who have recently tackled soooooooo much more. Over the weekend, I purchased a magic bullet device. I am sure most of you have seen the advertisements on TV for this contraption. My son has always wanted one... so I purchased it with AHL in mind. For the past few days, it has made my vanilla shake experience awesome. I put in a 1/2 banana and 1/4 cup of wild blueberries. Grind it up with vanilla protein mix and ice!! So easy, efficient and yummy. Makes morning time a bit easier which we all need. My blog fofr this week is to stay focused and dedicated. The scale has been holding steady which is good considering shoveling has been my mode of exercise recently. I hope to be able to get into some spin classes this week which always lifts spirits and restores committment. Hope to hear everyone at tonite's call.


A Little Habit That Makes Exercise Easier

A tip from the RealAge e-zine I receive.

Rest your Mind before Exercising your Body. Research suggests that a tired mind means a tired body. Exercisers in a study had a harder time with their workouts if their brains were fatigued.

When men and women did tedious and time-intensive computer tasks before working out reported much more fatigue during their workout than when they relaxed in front of documentary films on relatively uncomplicated topics before working out.

I find this an interesting concept. I know I love my morning walks when my body and mind are relaxed and refreshed, not yet pulled in a million directions from a day's activities. Exercising after a long day has its own rewards, yet it does seem to take more for me to push thru the mental demands of the day. So, if you work out later in the day, you might want to try taking a little time to quiet and relax your mind first!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Don't let the winter blues get to you

Hi all,

Just thought I'd check in with everyone. I think we've all been a bit overwhelmed with the record snowfalls this past week and checking in on the blog has not had top priority. I know I've been in that boat.

My exercise this week has been focus on my upper body - shovel, shovel, and shovel some more. And I still do my best to be mindful of how much stress I've been putting on my muscles.

So it's also been a time of soaks in the bathtub with our SeaSource SeaSoak, using the SeaSource Gelee on the sore muscles and even going for the powerhouse of our Herbal Muscle Massage on some spots on my back and by the shoulder blades.

Remember to take care of your body as you've probably been working it in ways that are not necessarily the best. Think 'Extreme Self Care' and then do the best you can. Your body will thank you for it!

Love! ~ Gerri

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Effects of Stress

In line with our healthy living principles, this is just a reminder to do what you can to minimize stress in your life. Did you know:
  • The adrenal glands secrete cortisol in response to high stress and a high cortisol level has been linked to weight gain, specifically around the abdomen. For this reason stress management is so important.
  • The ph of your body should be close to that of water. A body that is overly acidic causes you to feel tired and prevents you from losing weight
  • The concept of a "detox" is to help the body eliminate the toxins that have accumulated (from food, pesticides, various additives, stress, alcohol, pollution, etc) by eating fruit and vegetbles known for their detoxifying properties. After a detox you will feel better and should have more energy


  1. If you allow your body to be exposed to stress for a long time, it can lead to serious health problems;
  2. Chronic stress can affect every system in your body;
  3. Stress can raise blood pressure, which can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke;
  4. Stress can speed up the aging process;
  5. Stress can lead to long term anxiety and depression

I've found that the healthy living, diet and exercise principles we discuss each week, have helped me tremendously with effective stress management. While there may always be some degree of stress in our lives, its really how we handle it and manage it, that will make the difference. Betty Robinson