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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Be Aware of Your Choices: Poison or Fuel?

Everything we consume either fuels the body or slows it down. Are you giving yourself the high test or the cheap stuff? For each and every bite or sip you take, evaluate whether the substance is Fuel for your body or Poison. Don’t beat yourself up; just note in your mind … Fuel or Poison. You may find that this simple shift of awareness starts you on the path of making better and better choices.

  • Are there specific circumstances that make you reach for ‘poison’?
  • What eating habits do you have that you can trace back to your childhood? Do these habits encourage eating fuel or poison?
  • What do you feed your MIND and SPIRIT? What do you read and listen to? Who do you spend time with?
  • Be aware of everything you eat – ask yourself – is this poison or is this fuel. Start out by increasing your awareness of what you normally do. Remember, no judgment, only awareness.
  • Challenge yourself to go one day eating and drinking ONLY fuel. How do you feel at the end of the day?!
Want some help when you're craving something in the poison category?   Find out how Arbonne can help with these Figure 8 support products:
  • nrgGO3! Fizzing Beverage Tablets – if you hate drinking water then try adding our Fizzy Tabs to your water – they will boost energy, control appetite and increase metabolism and you’ll drink more water in the process too! 2 flavors that you can even blend to get a 3rd flavor – well worth incorporating.
  • On the Go! Weight Loss Chews – take a look at these if you tend to reach for unhealthy snacks between meals. These will provide an energy boost as well as control appetite.


  1. Hmmm... it is really getting me to think about what triggers from my past that i choose poison. when i was growing up we were very poor and everything we consumed only what was necessary to be alive. Now i am here and have more i can have whatever i feel like having instead of what is good for my body. It is a aha for moment!! yeah!! Actully, oh no!! now i have be responsible.. :) Well, I will be more aware and be mindful of what i am choosing to eat. Thanks so much for the questions.. got me thinking and it is great!! You ladies ROCK!! love, Yonghee

  2. In the past stress has been the greatest factor causing me to reach for poison, comfort foods and also causing overeating. I now take steps to calm my mind and spirit. This includes: attending church, prayer and reading inspirational writings, having calming music in my house, office and car, candles and aromatherapy in my house particularly during evening hours, feng shui decor at home such as water features, periodic professional massage, and walking in nature filled parks. All these actions have helped me tremendously.

  3. Two wonderful posts already!

    Yongee - I too grew up in a household that did not have a lot of money. So when I could afford to go out to eat I felt I deserved everything - appetizer, rich entree AND dessert. What it took AHL to realize was that my financial flexibility actually gave me more freedom to eat healthy and delicious meals and to enjoy more of life's pleasures because I was healthy.

    Betty - you are so right in sharing that by supporting our mind and spirit, our body benefits too. Body, mind and spirit work as one and when we have balance, all benefit.

  4. Great questions, Gerri and already some great comments. Thanks Ladies. More tomorrow, it is late. xoxo

  5. Memory - My grandmother lived with us for a while and I always remember her baking. Consequently, I have this association of comfort with baked goods...i.e. pretty much poison as far as nutrition goes.

    So, I've had to do some re-writing of my memories. The real comfort was my grandmother's presence, her laugh, her hugs, her love. So, what's important for me to do when I feel that need for comfort (NOT comfort food), is to focus on these memories and not the foods. When I actually think about it, food was a very small part of her influence on me.

    Are there memories that you have that you might rewrite to serve your healthy and fit mindset? By rewriting these memories you may find greater gifts that were masked before. Give it a try!
