Remember to post as a COMMENT under the Main Post for the week. This is a wonderful way to see how the weekly theme connects us as a community.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Healthy Fit Thinking PRECEDES Being Healthy and Fit!

This simple statement is profoundly life changing. We must develop the mindset of a healthy fit person before we become a healthy fit person. This is why so much of our program is about creating new beliefs about ourselves, the food we eat and what we do for physical activity.

Have you been stuck in the pattern of thinking you will exercise every day when you have more time, more energy or just plain feel better? We must take the healthy fit actions to get there.

What is your favorite healthy food? Share suggestions or recipes.
What is something you love to do that will stretch and tone you?
What is your top reason for wanting to be healthy and fit?

Create a list of how you think an Abundantly Healthy Fit person thinks or you can just borrow the one we have created and posted on the AHL ACTION PAGE.Create as much awareness around the list as possible. Read it each morning, put it on the fridge, the pantry, your planner, your mirror or even in your car.
Pick at least one day this week to make every choice a healthy fit choice or thought! If it goes well, keep adding days. We can't wait to hear about this on the Blog!


  1. Let's Go Girls ...
    I am so glad that this transition is happening and moving foward. It is Monday and I read the new blog. I'm excited and eager to try new principles and move foward again!!!!

    thanks, myra

  2. I am excited to be Blogging again.
    This was day two of my SeaSource Cleanse and making seriously good AHL choices! I do feel best when I walk the AHL walk. Now it's time for a hot cup of tea and an early turn in.
    Hope that everyone is doing well! Love, San

  3. I definitely feel at my best after doing Qi Gong. Went last night with Myra and Janice, and towards the beginning, our instructor, Karl Ardo had us in a standing meditation stance and then he came around and 'adjusted' how our hands were positioned. I could not believe the increase in the energy by the simple shift he made. It enhanced the entire experience. I love having this as part of my healthy and fit lifestyle!

  4. I just learned about stretching your hip flexors by sitting with your back straight against the wall and doing the butterfly stretch. The wall against your back adds alot! Also, a fun stretch is one I learned in yoga years ago. Lay on the floor with your bum against the wall and your legs going up the wall. It really works your lower back.

  5. Yonghee said...
    Just want to say hello!! Got off the track today with those chips but on track tonight. Love you all, Yonghee

  6. I am happy to say it's been a really good week for me, ladies. Day five of my cleanse and I am starting to feel lighter and more energy.
    I had one very grouchy day but my grouchy is not most peoples! LOL!
    So, I hope you are all enjoying this ABUNDANT HEALTHY weather!! xoxo

  7. Here's a quote that fits our theme this week:

    "The last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." - Voctor Frankl

    We are choosing a Healthy and Fit attitude towards life. And this one choice keeps us open to actions that are positive, healthy and joyful. Ain't life grand!

  8. Gals - I saw this link today and thought it played into the "thinking" we need to do as part of this program. I know there have been times when I have been out and caught without a healthy snack. Fast food is so easy but I find myself overwhelmed by the menus and what is actually "ok" to eat. So many times what seems like a healthy choice is loaded with hidden fat and calories.

    This link is to a list of what to choose when you are caught on the road without your healthy option. The article as done the Healthy Fit Thinking for us.

    I suggest you print the article and keep it in the glove box of you car.

    Love, Tee

  9. I must say that I had my healthiest week in along time and I am down by 5 pounds!
    I just made some homemade hummus for tonight.
    I love to garden and look forward to a few hours of weeding, edging and planting tomorrow.
    This morning I did a Skype call with my grandaughter,Madeline and her parents and I'd have to say that my main reason for wanting to be healthy and fit is so that I can enjoy a high quality life with Rog and my family!!
    How did everyone do this week?

  10. Congrats San! You've made a great donation back to the Universe!

  11. Glad to be back and I LOVE the new blog format!
    One of my favorite healthy foods is an egg white omelet in the morning. I like to switch up for breakfast with one of following:a veggie omelet,my Smoothie shake, oatmeal& berries w/almond milk, plain/non-fat greek yogurt with a few natural walnuts and some berries and a touch of agave nectar. The egg white omelet is simple to make: In an omelet microwave container, I spray the container lightly with Pam olive oil, add 3 egg whites,a veggie mix of 1 TBSP ea. of chopped spinach,chopped scallions,fresh salsa, chopped chicken(optional) sprinkle very lightly w/lowfat mozarella cheese. Microwave for about 2 minutes. I add a little red hot sauce. Delicious!

  12. Part II of the blog question re: stretching and toning. For me Pilates or variations of Pilates are the most effective. I've gotten tremendous results in the past and am gradually getting back to incorporating these exercises into a regular routine. The basic mat exercises will stretch you,tone you and seriously work your core/abs. For results, consistency and discipline are a must.
