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Monday, May 17, 2010

If at First You Don't Succeed...

How many of us remember our parents and or grandparents sharing the following nugget of wisdom - "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." 

Well, perhaps we all need to fully embrace that bit of wisdom when we are working on our goals.  To try, try again is another way of saying Recommit.  Recommitting is a key principle to living abundantly and healthfully.  This key principle of the program recognizes that each day is not going to be perfect. You are not going to go through every day eating the exact right things and getting in the perfect amount of exercise. And there are going to be days where the call of the wine or the chocolate or the nap was just too hard to ignore.

Perfection is a skill I have not yet mastered. But, with healthy fit thinking, just because you have a less than perfect day you  should chuck all of your progress and slide back into old habits. They key is to confront the behavior and realign yourself with your goals. In the words of an old 70s song – one bad apple don’t spoil the whole bunch girl. It’s the same with healthy fit thinking. One bad choice does not negate the work you have done.

We must recognize that feeling guilty or quitting doesn’t mesh with what we know is possible. What does work is to recommit each time you falter, stumble, or give in to the siren call of wine, chocolate or other temptations. Sit with that weak moment for a minute. Acknowledge it. Understand it. Remember how you feel. This will allow you to move forward with awareness and will develop your ability to resist the urges in the future.

Be kind to yourself. Love yourself where you are.

Abundant Healthy Activities:
1. When you feel as if you have lost your focus - allow yourself to sit with what it feels like.  Are you frustrated, disappointed, angry?  What is going on in your world that was a precursor to the loss of focus?  Commit that information to memory.  Learn from it.  Blog about it.  Journal about. 
2. Challenge your self to go one day without the need to recommit.  Then go one more.  And one more.  When you reach a week without recommitting, take yourself for a "love me" activity - a pedicure, a massage, a walk in the park, buy a bouquet of gorgeous flowers for yourself.  Then, sit with that feeling of accomplishment.  Blog about it.  Journal about it.  Compare the two feelings.  Awareness is key.


  1. Awareness: Ordering salad. Eating salad. Feeling satisfied.

  2. Yesterday I went with a group of friends to Coho Grill in Columbia. Many tempting things on the menu - french toast, eggs benedict, so much temptation. And, while I let my eyes feast on the menu descriptions, I opted for the Nutty Apple Spinach Salad with Balsamic Vinegrette. It was FABULOUS! I felt oh so satisfied.

  3. @Gerri, I Haven't been to Coho in years ... how was it?

    @ Tee, great post. It took me back to basics to think about all the progress I/WE'VE made and be grateful for it.

    I am journaling each morning about my intention for the day and each evening about all I am grateful for. It's such a simple but profound practice for my Abundant Healthy Life.

  4. I tend to lose focus sometimes when I have extra demands which throw me off my regular schedule of activities. Trying to juggle too many balls -and stress management are challenges for me. I employ a number of remedies, but I can do better. Saying No more often and taking the necessary time to remain focused on healthy actions & choices - no matter what- is a #1 goal for me.

  5. Betty - I love how you always come right back to what you know works. Even in the face of a lot of juggling, it is inspiring to know that you have healthy living on your mind and in your heart. You inspire me.

  6. Rog is making me all Fat Flush recipes this week. Knowing that a delicious and healthy meal is planned for the evening helps me stay on track during the day. What a gift ... talk about unconditional love.
    PS My turn next week.

  7. Thanks Tee and you plus my other AHL comrades keep me inspired too!

    San - if you need company for dinner this week I'm available. Those fat flush recipes sound fabulous. I wish my husband Fred would follow Rog's lead!!

  8. I felt like I was playing the 'recommmit' card a few times this week. What's affected my focus? Energy down with sinus and migraine issues. So when I do feel I've gotten thru, my resolve seems lower and I go for comfort food. Recognizing this, I can put in place some other options to help me stay the course, things that emphasize self care - some good teas, fresh fruit, a good novel, a relaxing SeaSource bath. Healthier options abound - And recommitting is a welcome companion.
