Remember to post as a COMMENT under the Main Post for the week. This is a wonderful way to see how the weekly theme connects us as a community.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Lean on Me

Every so often we blog about what we call Trade Secrets - the things that we have found to consistently work in an abundant healthy lifestyle.  We have talked about drinking water, the power of herbs and spices, the importance of sleep.  One thing I don't think we have covered in the blog, and is an important "trade secret" is the power of community.

Knowing that you are not alone as you reach for your goals, can helpt to establish a foundation for success.  Being part of a team means that you are accountable.  The team can cheer you on and lift you up.

As Empowerment Partners, we are the most imprtant "Trade Secret" in this whole journey.  As the song says - "We all need somebody to lean on."

Here's to an empowering experience for us all.

Love, Tee

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


The funny thing about goals is that they are so important yet so easy to ignore or overlook.  Take me for example.  I set a goal earlier this year to have my AHL written on the Friday before the Sunday it needed to be posted.  Well, here it is Tuesday.  Not sure that my goal for posting on the blog is working. 

Do you have goals that do not seem to be working?  Goals seem simple but in fact they are complicated.  They require thought and attention.  They need to be realistic and measurable.  Too often, people set lofty goals - I will run 10 miles by the weekend - without laying the foundation.  How about just setting a goal to run one mile?  And then build up from there.

There is a saying - How do you eat an elephant?  One bit at a time.  Well the same thing can be said for losing weight - except you take one less bite at a time.  Small movements on the scale are easier to plan for and easier to achieve.  And, they are healthier,  One to two pounds a week is manageable, measurable, achievable. 

Another key thing about goals is accountability.  Who is in your corner reminding you of what you hope to achieve?  It may be annoying in the moment to have somone remind you to "put down that peanut butter cup" but if it reminds you of your goals, then it is worth it. 

I'm cheering for you!

Activities and Questions:
Look at your goal list.  Are they measurable and attainable? 
If they are - how are you doing so far?  Is there cause for celebration?
If they are not - how are you doing so far?  Is there cause for correction?