Remember to post as a COMMENT under the Main Post for the week. This is a wonderful way to see how the weekly theme connects us as a community.

Monday, September 13, 2010


How do you keep your body charged and ready?  How do you keep your mind alert and open to life's possibilities?   What do you feed your mind and body to improve your ability to live a happy, healthy and vibrant life?

Are your foods and drinks full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, or are they empty calories?

How about what you read?  What you listen to?  Who you talk to?   Do these things raise your energy level or deplete it?   Do they open your mind to possibilities and opportunities?   Do they make you curious around other people or suspicious?

What we feed our body and mind matters. Is it Poison or is it Fuel?  Are you giving yourself the high test or the cheap stuff?  That's really your choice.   Is there an athlete that you really admire?   What do you think they would say if they saw what you ate?  What do you think they eat to stay healthy?

This is a key principle to integrate into your life to enhance your ability to live an Abundant Healthy Life.  You are being asked to take great care of your self and to learn to do what really serves YOU! These are not always easy changes for us to make but we will keep coming back to this.   Raising your awareness is always the first step.  

Remember, last week's post - you have to think healthy and fit thoughts first.    Healthy and fit thoughts are FUEL for your mind which help you make better decisions about providing fuel for your body. 

  • How do you start your day?   Do you feed your body fuel?  Do you feed your mind fuel?  Does it make a difference to your attitude for the rest of the day?
  • What do you REALLY think about the concept of everything being either Fuel or Poison - no middle ground?
  • For one day, just be aware of whether your feeding your body and mind Poison or Fuel. No judgements. Just awareness. Just taking the time to be aware can create new possibilities.
  • Challenge yourself to go for one day eating and drinking only FUEL for your body. How does it feel?  Is there resistance?


  1. Gerri, I really love this post.
    I begin six out of seven days with a delicious Arbonne Shake with Fiber Booster, fresh fruit and ice. It totally satisfies me and holds me until about one.
    I also read, journal or both on week day mornings and on the weekend that tends to be more of an afternoon activity.
    This plus making my bed give me a very positive start to the day.
    I am very much a black and white person so for me it is easier to think strictly Poison or Fuel and I am so much happier with Fuel!

  2. My best days start with an Arbonne protein and fiber shake too! It really does make a difference.

    Today I decided that I am truly focusing on only putting FUEL in my body AND mind. I know I've not been diligent about this lately and I want to recommit to this. So it's FOCUS time! I'll add another comment at the end of the day to let everyone know how I did!

  3. Reporting in at the end of the day. I did really great today and I feel great about it too! I think the closest I came to 'poison' today was a small sliver of baked brie which was part of a pot luck at my Prosperity Class this evening. Otherwise it was all FUEL all day - for mind AND body. Started the day with a walk with SAN - Definitely high quality fuel for body, mind and spirit! No TV, only thing in the car to listen to was Mike Dooley CDs, read only positive material as well. And worked my business. Not only did people actually answer the phone today, I made appointments, scheduled workshops and people even called me back! All in all, it's been full of positive, wonderful energy!

    Was every moment of this day easy? Of course not. When I was sitting down for lunch I was tempted to turn on the TV and I thought about what I'd watch - knowing it wouldn't be fuel, so I picked up a book instead. There were those pauses in the day where I momentarily thought - I'm doing great - how about a reward (i.e. snack...i.e.poison). No, I made the commitment and I kept it.

    It's a wonderful feeling to get to the end of the day having accomplished this goal. I highly recommend everyone try it!

    Off to bed now with a good book!

  4. Gerri, you always inspire me. I am so glad that you are in my life! xoxo

  5. This is a late post for the previous week, but its great to hear how others start their day and try to stay positively focused. For me, in the morning, I find that yoga stretches, meditation and a light, healthy breakfast - smoothie or yogurt and fresh fruit with water or tea starts me in the right direction. Soothing music to work, read and/or ride by is so calming and peaceful throughout the day. Eating more "live/raw" veggies and fruit keeps me more energized. My evening Zumba dance classes a few nights a week are carefree, fun effective workouts to wonderful music & rhythms. I especially seek inspirational books and articles to read. When possible, candlelight and soft lighting set a quiet, tranquil atmosphere at home after a busy day. All of these things are serving me well and are part of a healthier lifestyle for my mind and body.
