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Monday, September 6, 2010

Healthy Fit Thinking PRECEDES Being Healthy and Fit!

It is that time of year when summer vacations are pleasant memories, the kids go back to school and we pause to take stock. At least for me, Fall has always been a time of new beginnings. Therefore it's a perfect time to circle back to the beginning of the Abundant Healthy Living Program to take a look at our founding principle, Healthy Fit THINKING precedes BEING Healthy and Fit.

I really love this simple sentence because it reminds us that being healthy and fit is really more about our belief and focus than anything else. If you are not thinking the right thoughts you will never reach your optimal goal. If through sheer willpower you do reach the goal you probably won't be able to maintain the results.

We must develop the mindset of a healthy fit person before we become a healthy fit person. This is why so much of our program is about creating new beliefs about who we are and what we want. We must change our thinking before we create the results we want.

Those of us in Arbonne have recently heard ... 'Your brain believes what it hears the most'. It is true here too and the AHL program keeps the right thoughts in front of you week after week so congratulations for being here.

I used to think ...

  • I will exercise when I have more energy. No, actually the exercise will give you more energy.
  • I will journal when I wake up feeling good. No, actually writing in your journal will help you feel good.
  • I will dress better when I drop some pounds. No, actually dressing better now will make you feel good about yourself and help you stay focused on dropping pounds.
  • I will finally be fit when ... fill in the blank. No, actually you begin the journey by seeing yourself as fit and taking the actions of a fit person now.
In each case you must have the healthy thought/belief and take the healthy action before it becomes your reality or your new default response. Don't you just love this?!

  • What is your strongest thought or belief that keeps you on the path to wellness?
  • What is your strongest thought or belief that keeps you from achieving your desired goal?
  • Think about your own thoughts. What is one that you could change for September?
  • What actions will you take to achieve it?
  • Check out our AHL Mindset List under the Healthy and Fit Mindset Tab
  • Print it, read it and put it to work for you.Place it where you will see it often, on your mirror, in your car, in your planner, wallet or purse, where ever you will see it often.


  1. The strongest thought/belief that keeps me on the path to wellness is that I want to live a long productive life where I can enjoy family and friends as well as accomplish important personal goals. The path to wellness for me includes a healthy mind, body and soul. A favorite quote -
    "We have the power to create our own realities and it begins in our mind. If you want happiness, joy, love or freedom create it first with your thoughts. "

  2. Fabulous Betty! Thank you for your post. That is the very same thing that inspires me to live a long, healthy life and make a big contribution to all that I love!

    I am so grabbing that quote ... do you have a source?

    Make it a happy, healthy week, everyone!

  3. Me too Betty, thank you!!

    Ok, I printed out healthy and fit mindset. I will have it where i can see and read it at least once everyday.

    it seems to me it comes down to how responsible i am and the choices i am making at every opportunity happens. Thanks for inspiring me to stay on track.

  4. San - Thank you for your post as well. I should have kept the author with the quote I used, but I believe it was British author, James Allen who wrote the book "As a Man Thinketh". Most of his writings relate to the power of thought.
    Have a happy and healthy week too!

  5. The thought that keeps me from making more progress is an exception and it is the 'life is short' and I should enjoy the moment. Yet, I know that delayed gratification and making progress towards greater health and fitness will give me a longer life. A total catch 22. I just need to make more good choices to tip the balance towards wellness.

  6. What a great discussion this week! I've been reading "The Law of Attraction" by Michael Losier, and he has some great techniques for anyone who may struggle with belief - about any goals we have. Just preface any statement with "I am in the process of..." So if saying "I am a healthy and fit person" doesn't quite do it for you. Then use the affirmation "I am in the process of becoming a healthy and fit person so that I can enjoy all the wonders of life today and for all my tomorrows."

  7. Great suggestion Gerri. I think Michael would want us to say 'I am in the process of being a healthy fit person' because all of the future tense words keep our desires in the future! :-)

  8. Great catch San! I'm still learning to use his techniques. We could also say "I'm in the process of becoming MORE healthy and fit every day." This honors our current healthy and fit practices now and keeps us positively focused to improve!

