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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Me, Myself, and I

Me, Myself and I

Just imagine for a minute that you are on a plane getting ready to take off. The flight attendants are working their way through the required FAA safety announcements. They get to the part about what to do when the plane loses pressure and an oxygen mask descends from the ceiling. The flight attendants tell you – “If you are traveling with a child or someone who needs assistance – put your mask on first and then help your companion.” You need to put your mask on first because if you don’t then you’ll pass out and so will the person you are traveling with because you weren’t able to help them.

I don’t think this is much of a stretch as a comparison to when it comes to making healthy fit choices. BUT, because we don’t have life attendants giving us permission to take care of ourselves first, we often go to extremes and put ourselves last.

It is not selfish or self-centered to make a commitment to you and to put your health and well-being first on the list. Think about how much more efficient you are when you are well-rested, well-nourished, well-hydrated, and you have some exercise endorphins running around in your body. Your body and mind are like fine race cars, they need to be tuned up and ready to go.

Making a commitment to you requires a mind shift – remember so much of what we do is about mindset. Not only is recommitting one of our principles but so is committing. In order to recommit you have to have committed to something in the first place. Here is a radical idea – how about making the commitment to you.

I am your life attendant and I am giving you permission to take of yourself first.

- Schedule your fitness time into your calendar. For example at 5:00pm everyday your calendar reminds you that it’s time to go for a walk/run/swim/stretch.
- Find time to sit with yourself for five or ten minutes to breathe deep and find your center. This could be on the subway, in the shower, or anywhere.
- Jot down the times you found yourself pushing aside your needs to fulfill someone else’s. Blog about it. Was it really necessary to put them first? Could they have waited while you walked for 20 minutes?
- Reward yourself when you make it through a whole day full of self care and love. A fresh tomato with pepper and salt from your garden, fresh flowers, an extra chapter in your “beach book.”

Have a wonderful week!
Love, Tee


  1. Oh Tee, I love this post. We are 'Life Attendants' for each other. Thanks for today's reminder to take great care of myself.
    Summer for me is an easier time to do that because I am so much more content.
    Happy, healthy week to everyone. Love, San

  2. This weather in Maryland is superb for walking, gardening or anything you want to do outdoors.
    Here's hoping we each get outside today to do something healthy for towards our goal!

  3. This weather does make it easier to put myself first, especially with a nice walk outside. Even pulling weeds in the garden is more pleasant when accompanied by gentle breezes, low humidity and nice temperatures.

  4. Starting the day with a walk in the neighborhood, listening to the birds, feeling the breeze, breathing in the rejuvenating morning air - that is the best way I know for starting my day with a focus on self care.

  5. I began today with a SeaSource Mud Mask and Detox Bath followed by a delicious Arbonne Shake.

    I had several Arbonne appointments and then some gardening in this gorgeous weather.

    HHH on the patio with Rog wrapped up a wonderful day. Have I mentioned how much I love summer?

  6. San - you set such a wonderful examnple of what Self Care looks like!

  7. I'm a week late for blogging on this one, but I loved Tee's post and the comments following it.
    The suggestions are just perfect. I've begun setting aside time for meditation and reflection everyday. This simple ritual is calming and does help tremendously.

  8. Betty, good to hear from you. I love your posts as they always remind me to go deeper.Thank you.
