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Saturday, June 27, 2009

This Week's CSA Marketbasket Items

Here's our newest fresh produce assortment from our CSA:

Beets, Red Cabbage, Summer Squash Mix, Italian Green Beans, Red Skin Potatoes, Red Veined Sorrel, Cucumbers, Dill

I know I'll be making a cucumber salad with dill for dinner tonight. Beets we'll roast later. Sorrel we'll add to one of the many salads we make during the week. It really is nice to have this variety!

I know that jawz was my companion last night when we had dinner with friends. A little heavy on the poison food items. So this is a nice way to recommit and get back on track. We're having Mark's sister and brother in law and their two girls over for dinner. It should be easier to put together a healthy meal plan for today!

Enjoy your Weekends and Choose Healthy!

1 comment:

  1. A much healthier dinner last night! Mark did Beercan Chicken on the grill; fresh fruit-pineapple, strawberries, blueberries; salad, and cucumber salad (with very light amount of mayonnaise dressing and fresh dill).
