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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Off My Plateau!

Two days straight now the scale has shown 139.5 (so glad my scale shows 1/2 pounds!). Finally got past that 140 barrier. Horray!

It's really amazing tho - less than a year ago my weight was in the low 160's and it seemed that no matter what I did, I couldn't lose the weight. I was at a standstill.

Now, with our Abundant Healthy Living (AHL) program and Arbonne's Figure 8 products and ALL of YOU, this journey to finding that healthy fit person inside me has been one of joy and fun and discovery. I had the misconception that I would have to deny myself many pleasures to be at a healthy weight. Instead, I feel like so many new and wonderful opportunities are opening up for me. And it's been all about the journey, the small changes, the little steps out of my comfort zone.

Thank you San for the initial invitation to coach with Mark and to create this program with the other initial team members. And, it's even more inspiring to be a part of AHL. This is a great journey! And I'm not done yet!

Recommitting Every Day.


  1. Gerri, Congratulations for breaking through to the 130's!! That is my goal so you are a total inspiration to me. Thanks!

  2. You are an inspiration to many, Gerri! Congrats.

  3. Congratulations, Gerri! That is very, very exciting!!! Such a great breakthrough. :)

  4. WooHoo! Size 6 here you come! Proud of you. Love, Tee
