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Friday, April 17, 2009


When San suggested we have a day of eating food that nurtures us really got me thinking to a try it just for a day.. Well, I just started with a morning only then afternoon then at evening.. well it was a challenge especially at night. I really want piece of chocolate or something. . even though i never eat that much pastries in general but love ice cream and good chocolate time to time. I got to use the tool of making choices for fuel vs poison. It really felt empowering.. which i got to have benefit right away. In the past, I made choices like this but was not consistant. make good chices one day and skip some days be on track for couple days and then not.. you get the picture. another part of this is that I do this in my work too.. Light bulb!! What I am discovering is that I have this pattern and I do it everywhere. When I feel I dind't do something right or well, I spend way too much time and energy either feeling bad, beat myself up, worry, not too much sleep and STRESS!! I do get myself back on track but takes couple of days.. like I do with my food. WOW!!!! I am delighted to be aware of this behavior. I love the tool of recommitting and being gentle to myself and that I am Okay. I always known that but it takes time in between to acknowledge that of myself. More than that because it is me and i don't need to acknowledge myself long as I make impact with others and others acknowledgement is enough. it is very freeing know this now!! I am grateful for this workshop. Thank you San for encouraging me to be on this journey with you and to all of you!!


  1. Yonghee,
    So good to see your post. Congratulations on your awareness and breakthrough! I love this journey we are on together.
    I/WE missed you at NTC. Can't wait to get together! Love, San

  2. I love you post, too, Yonghee! I LOVE and miss you also!

  3. Hi Yonghee... love your post, love the way you adjust to a new idea, and.... here's another thing I loved. Light bulb! It's like hearing Peter Matravers at NTC: "two days! Zit gone!" I love it. Simple, easy, emphatic. I will do the same. Wait for that light bulb to go on.
    Love you, Yonghee. Thanks for sharing this post.
    xo Prue

  4. Hi Yonghee - thank you so much for posting and sharing so much with us. It's posts like this that fill me with gratitude for our AHL program and each other. It's all about helping each other live fuller, happier and healthier lives. You've made my day!

    Love you! Gerri
