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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Elissa Prentice

Hey everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m San’s daughter. I’m 35 and live out in sunny San Diego with my husband and our two year old daughter. One of my main goals is just to get back into an exercise routine. I can count the number of times that I’ve exercised over the last three years on one hand! Ever since about halfway through my pregnancy, I haven’t really found the time in my day (or energy) to exercise. I know it’s been about choices/priority … I’d always rather spend my time with Madeline or resting/sleeping than exercising. However, I do remember how good it made me feel and I also know how much better I’ll feel about myself once I start again. At this point I do count running around and playing with my toddler as “something” but I’d like to be doing more. My husband is working with me to try to figure out times in my busy daily schedule where I can fit this in. I’m also considering purchasing a treadmill to put in my garage so that it’s super convenient for me and I can do it when Madeline is sleeping. I just have to remember that it’s not supposed to turn into a drying rack / coat rack. ;)

My other goal is to lose inches!! I’m more concerned with inches and how I look & feel than I am with pounds, so my baseline was established by taking measurements in five places: upper abs, waist, lower abs, hips and thighs. Of all of the times I’ve taken these measurements, last week was my biggest on record … so I have a lot of work to do.

Here’s what I’ve already changed~
  • Fuel vs. Poison - I think about food as food versus poison all of the time now. It’s already engrained in me, which is fun! There are times when I’m making choices that I know are poison but those are dwindling. I’d say I’ve already gone from 40% fuel / 60% poison to 65% fuel / 35% poison!
  • Alcohol – my husband and I used to drink a glass or two of red wine nearly every night … one when we got home and started our evening and sometimes a second one with dinner. We have cut back to only having wine on Friday and Saturday nights. This is HUGE for us ~ such a change to our routine. Not only has this help significantly with my fuel vs. poison ratio, but it’s saving us $$.
  • Shakes - I’ve been making a shake nearly every morning for breakfast. I use cranberry juice (100% juice) as my base and add 2 scoops of protein shake, 1 scoop of fiber, some ice cubes, half of a banana, and a spoonful of frozen organic blueberries. YUM YUMMMM!
  • Chews – I normally eat one chew around 10:30-11:00 in the morning, when I’m starting to get hungry for lunch. Then I eat lunch closer to noon. I also sometimes eat another chew (or two) in the late afternoon, around 3:00pm, which is when I used to make a trip to our work chocolate bowl.
  • Detox Tea – I’ve been a cup of this most nights after dinner. It’s my new treat after we clean up and sit down to relax. I’ve always loved all kinds of tea so this wasn’t too difficult for me to incorporate, but the good thing is that this tea ‘treat’ has replaced dessert which used to consist of chocolate most nights. Some nights we even add a scoop of fiber into it! … I didn’t think that would work (it was my husband’s idea) but it dissolves well and it’s tasteless.
  • Going Going Gone – I’ve just started on these in the last couple of days. My main challenge is going to be remembering to take them and always having them with me. I haven’t noticed their effect yet but I trust my Mom and Gerri that they really do work!!!

I haven’t started exercising yet but at least it’s still on my list, and I’m working on making it a higher priority. :) I really loved the concept of ‘Something is better than Nothing’ and I’m going to remember that as I introduce exercise back into my life. Maybe I should get a dog so that I’m forced to go on a walk twice a day!?! Hahahah.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Again, I removed my last comment because it had too many typos ... what I said was I love that you told us all about your goal.
    When you see that Going Going Gone really works it will be easier to remember!
    I will post in the morning. Love, Mom/San

  3. What a GREAT Post Elissa! I see you doing many of the things that were also changes for me - like limiting wine to weekends - what's even more interesting is there are some weekends we don't even have wine and I don't miss it.

    And just wait till you do start noticing that your clothes are fitting different. That continues to be very exciting for me.

    Keep up the great work!

  4. All good stuff! You really have embraced the program and you are going to be thrilled with the results. I have a suggestion - incorporate Madeline into your exercise plans. Put her in the stroller and go for a walk before or after dinner - family time. Buy an easy beginner Yoga video and see if Madeline will do it with you. They usually think it's funny to see Mom all twisted up in the poses and then want to "play" to.

    You and San (Gammy! I love that!) are setting a powerful example for your baby girl. She is lucky. Not all young women grow up with such great examples of Abundant Health and Wellness.

    You go girl!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Elissa and Abundant Healthy friends! Reading Elissa's blog was incredibly inspiring for me. Runnin downstairs this minute to take the Going Going Gone. Forgot! I love this post, Lis, and I'm very grateful to Adrian for supporting you. That part doesn't get enough press. Knowing that others in your life, household, and world are cheering you on and willing to change THEIR behaviors is one BEST PART of the whole deal. Congrats. I'll use your blog post as a barometer.

  7. Thanks for all of the great suggestions and comments ~ this is really fun and I feel great already!
