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Friday, April 3, 2009

The secret weapon...

Think the most important thing besides the mindset is remembering to take the Going Going Gone. I have been great about taking it 3 times per day up until yesterday when I only took it in the morning. The rest of the day, I seemed to crave more "bad things". Here is my eating sched:
  • Shake in the morning: water, 2 scoops vanilla protein shake, 1 scoop fiber, banana, strawberries and lots of ice. (Or the decadent chocolate peanut butter shake: milk, 2 scoops chocolate protein shake, 1 scoop fiber, tablespoon of peanut butter and lots of ice.)
  • Lunch: sandwich and some fruit or a bowl of soup and 2 corn tortillas
  • Afternoon: fizzing tab in water
  • 1 glass of white wine (can't give that up!)
  • Dinner: whatever we have although not eating seconds
  • After dinner: detox tea with honey
I love being held accountable, but not judged for the missteps along the way. : )


  1. I will have to get more GGG, and give the secret weapon another whirl. It sounds like it really curtails your cravings. That's my bad (and red wine too).

    Agile, Annie, I too, love being held accountable but not judged. Love you girl & I would love to see you all soon.

  2. Just so you know, I used to be 'had to have that one glass of wine every night' too. For now, just add the word YET. And keep working on your mindset! You are doing great!!

    And it is amazing what missing that GGG does - secret weapon for sure - keep this one nearby!
