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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Embracing the Program

Two days ago I TRULY recommitted and, I am happy to say, I am down three pounds. I am tired of the excuses, tired of failing, tired of just one more program, one more "try."

I had a light-bulb experience last night on our call. I was totally present. In previous weeks, I must admit, I was less than fully present. Last night, I really listened - and I REALLY got it.

Wow! The ladies in group one (a/k/a our illustrious leaders) have created a master program that really works...when you embrace and use the techniques. It's that one small change time and time again which equates to success. What other program allows you to pick yourself up when you fall off the train and recommit rather than beating up yourself and holding on to those "icky" feelings? What other program teaches you to evaluate your food before ingesting...humm,will this be fuel or poison? What other program encourages you to really think about the pros vs. the cons of AHL? And because I have always been an "all or nothing" kind of girl, I love the idea of "anything is better than nothing." Hence, I will park farther, take the steps, walk more, blog something.....

For two days I have 'forced' myself to drink the water. I feel alive. I have my game on. I am empowered! I have had to distract my thoughts from sugary foods because that's where I go under stress; and, as I said on the call I've been working a LOT of hours which puts me into stress land (sugarland). However, if I begin my day with exercise, water and solid intent to choose fuel over poison, practice the + one technique, and walk on this journey one decision at a time knowing my AHL partners are there with me, I know it will work for me too.

I love each of you and I thank you creating something which will accept each of us exactly where we are. This is a program for REAL people, in a REAL world, to make REAL changes. Right now I'm like the catapiller. But watch out world, the transformation has begun!


  1. Thank you Tina,
    Your post has 'made my day' and it will be a healthy, happy one!
    We are in this together, for the best thing we can give each other beside love and that is health! Love you, San

  2. Oh Tina - you are the best! You 'get this' more than you know. Playing full out means doing the best you can at the moment, not an 'ivory tower' best, but a reality-based best - and that's all that matters. You're already a beautiful, graceful butterfly!

  3. And, I'm flapping my ~~wings~~

  4. Wow, really great blog Tina!! I mean, Tiny Tina ...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks, Lissa!

    Three days in a row, exercise, LOTS of H20, and I had a loss. I'm psyched. My dad is doing a "different" program and he is challenging me, so, the competitive side of me is emerging. Bring it on, Daddy.

    My 'neighbor' at work did bring in a very large container of choc. cov. turtles.....everyone was eating them. I very consciously took two. I savored them throughout the day. I'll push the cardio (the eliptical) tomorrow a.m. +5 minutes to 40. I had a very healthy day of eating (minus the two 'allowed' turtles)!

  7. I have chills! You go girl! Love, Tee
