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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Weekly Update

Here I am. In my weekly accountability report I must say, without judgement, my week was not what I had hoped for. My weight jumped from 196.6 to 199. But I am thankful I can turn right around and be part of the group synergy and keep doing the next healthy thing. I know what I must do. I need more calories burned than consumed, and that's plain and simple. To that end, I will work out 5 times this week and increase my water (area of lack last week).

I was able to listen to the call twice, which is helping me to "retrain my brain" to adopt the AHL principles. I am replacing unserving language with positive affirmations. I am adopting an "I CAN ATTITUDE"! I CAN reach my goals and I WILL reach my goal of 10 pounds gone by the end of this eight week session. I wrote in my journal and I've acquired an empowerment partner. I am choosing the bright train. I am choosing fuel for my body.

This week I will loose the 2.4 pounds I found this week by using our tools.

I look forward to speaking with you on our open call this Tuesday.

With much love and gratitude,

Tina D.


  1. Tina, Don't worry about that bump on the scale. Sounds like water retention to me. It happens whenever I slack off on my water intake.
    Let's talk tomorrow, we need to support each other to reach our Session Goal!! Love, San

  2. I agree with San. Small adjustments and you'll be fine. You've got an amazing attitude and this will serve you in more ways than you can know.

    And here's a tweak to your words / thinking. Decide to DROP the 2.4 pounds instead of lose it. If you lose something, then that implies you want to find it again! :-)
