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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Glad to Be Back

After being away for the most of the last session, it was great to start a brand new session which I know will reinforce what I have learned from the Abundant Healthy Living empowerment group. Unfortunately, I had to take a short break from the Monday night calls, due to a variety of demands during November and December.

It feels like a fresh start again for me. I did not abandon my commitment or knowledge gained during the time away, my personal training and exercise has continued weekly and I have started a new baseline for this session. I am about five pounds lighter than I was during the last session, even after the holidays and I am very happy about this. I will commit to a minimum of one blog post per week (but will try for more if I can) as part of the 1-blog-per-week challenge (for the 8 week session) mentioned by Gerri last night.

I look forward to next week's call and am starting the week with much enthusiasm and a "can do" attitude. Fuel vs. Poison? will definitely stay in my mind as I eat to be healthy, discipline myself and stay focused on reaching my goals . . . .Good luck to everyone in their personal journeys. May the Force be with us. Betty Robinson


  1. Betty, thanks for this post. I am also excited to be starting fresh in the new year and recommitting to our goals.
    Congrats on a successful holiday season.
    So glad you are going for the bonus product!
    Love, San

  2. Betty - We definitely missed you through this last session. And you've shown how much you're already embracing the AHL principles with your success over the holidays.

    And I'm looking forward to being able to gift you in 8 weeks!
    Love - Gerri

  3. Happy New Year- another way to focus on the Abundant Healthy Living prinicipal of recommitting is a quote I found in Jan/Feb Body + Soul magazine--"Consider this year the "opportunity" of a lifetime. Start fresh." That is where I am, after making it through the holiday season, I am ready to focus on me and the goals I want to achieve- loose as much weight as possible, going for 10% in the first 12 weeks- have a family wedding in July, want to look fabulous in the photos and trip to Italy in the fall, which my hubby will record with tons of photos, I was to be the hot chick next to the David! If folks are looking for a great reward, pick up a copy of Body + Soul magazine, a Martha Stewart publication that supports Abundant Healthy Living, have a great week
