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Friday, January 15, 2010

Move at Noon to Nip the Dip

Like the rhyme? Guess I'm starting the day a bit chipper.

This little tip from RealAge. I read a short article on afternoon energy dips. And in that article there were 3 myths that were discussed.

Myth 1 - Dips are caused by what you ate for lunch. If some foods are a factor, it's likely that they magnify an afternoon slump rather than cause it. A lunch with a good balance of protein, carbs and fat is a better choice.

Myth 2 - Afternoon slumps mean something is wrong. Not necessarily so. This may actually be a part of your natural circadian rhythms.

Myth 3 - Lunchtime workouts make an afternoon slump worse. Workers are actually less likely to suffer the slump on days when they exercise during lunch. And the type, duration, or intensity of exercise doesn't seem to matter. So even taking time for a good long stretch, or a 15 walk outside can make a difference.

So how about trying this out? Try a week where you do some intentional movement or exercise at lunchtime and see how you feel in the afternoon.

Here's to a Healthy and Happy Friday!
Love - Gerri

1 comment:

  1. Love it, Gerri, this is great advice. I have to say, I wish you lived in my neighborhood bc I loved our walk this am.
    Make it a great and healthy weekend everyone!
    Love, San
