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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Today I Bought....drum roll........

Size 6 Jeans!!!!

Now they are comfort fit stretch jeans, and they are a little snug but not uncomfortable.


This will also be my secret weapon when jawz comes knocking with Thanksgiving. I'll just think of those jeans (or be wearing them) and it will be so much easier to ignore him!

Thank You All - My Abundant Healthy Living Empowerment Partners! You are all a part of my success!


  1. Comfort stretch or not - a 6 is a 6!!! Way to go! Plus, denim will stretch anyway so a little snug now means after you wear them for an hour they will be perfect. So proud of you.

    Lots of love,

  2. Congrats to YOU Gerri! You are certainly an incredible inspiration and I will try and remember that I can get out of my size (??) jeans. Thank you so much. Please post a picture of you at goal...please. xoxo T.

  3. OK, Size 6 Jeans is (excuse the pun) a HUGE accomplishment. I am so proud of you, happy for you and inspired by you!!
    I am so glad that we are taking this journey together.
    PS By the way,I can't wait for you to be writing this to ME.

  4. OMG! Gerri, this is fantastic. I'm so happy for you!!!!! Noticed last night that the black trousers you were wearing actually looked a little baggy... not bad, just.. not tight! You go girl, Obviously getting slimmer by the day and it shows - not just in your clothes, but in your whole persona. Love the happy vibes streaming from your sweet and wonderful face. xox
