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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Juicing For Life!

Hi AHL Friends...

Juicing has always been a passion of ours. Several years ago, Rod and I bought a juicer and grabbed the book Juicing for Life by Cherie Calbom. In addition, we'd attended a weekend retreat that focused on juicing. Our retreat leader was my friend Paula Blank. Four or five times a day we juiced special recipes for specific blends of fruits and vegetables. It was fabulous. I'd love to share a tidbit we learned not long ago.... Will Smith is an avid juicer. Big healthy, happy Will Smith has said, "Hey you can take anything from me but don't touch my juicer!"
I just think that's terrific. So grab your apples, your celery, your parsley and the handful of spinach that greens it up. I love juicing!

One juice I NEVER expected to be one of my favorites was one containing beets. Look it up, folks, and you'll see how beets help you and strenghten systems and organs in the body. Here's an exerpt:

Traditionally Used For Anemia Bladder Problems
Circulatory Problems Eye Fatigue
Kidneys Liver
Lymphatic Circulation Menstrual Problems
Menopause Skin Problems
Tiredness Weight Loss Problems

A Good Source Of Calcium Chlorine Iron
Sodium Sulfur Potassium
Vitamin A Vitamin B–6 Choline

Important: Beets are probably one of the most powerful vegetables available. Beets are known for causing both stools and urine to turn red and if this happens, don't be surprised.

Never drink beet juice by itself. Beet juice should always be mixed with other vegetables and/or apple juice. Pure beet juice (from the bulb or greens) can temporarily paralyze your vocal chords, make you break out in hives, increase your heart rate, cause chills or a fever.

Beets are best used in small amounts. I never use more than 1 to 2 ounces of beet juice (approximately ½ a small beet or ¼ a large beet).

Have fun with Beets!


Use moderately. Both the roots and greens are powerful cleansers of the body. Beets are said to really cleanse the blood and kidneys and this is why it is suggested you use beets moderately.

1 comment:

  1. I have always wanted to be a juicer. Maybe I will work juicing into the new year. Love, Tee
