Remember to post as a COMMENT under the Main Post for the week. This is a wonderful way to see how the weekly theme connects us as a community.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Just a quick hello

No time for Blogging today other than sending you all my love.
Worked all day and now prepping for my daughter, son in law and granddaughter to arrive!!
They will be here for the week to celebrate Thanksgiving. I am sooooooooo happy!
I will still be on Monday night. 'See' you all then. Love, San


  1. I know you don't have to be reminded to ENJOY yourself this week! You'll be making your cells very very happy. :-) :-> :-D

  2. yes! enjoy enjoy enjoy your lovely granddaughter - the sweetest little confection (non fattening - :-) ), your own darling daughter Elissa, and that amazing and adorable sweet Adrian. Love to you all! Prue & Rod
    (nose still running but not at the same speed, ya know?)
