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Monday, November 30, 2009

Abundance In Appreciation

Thanks for a wonderful open-mike call tonight. I ran across the following little narrative and it made me think of the AHL group. Looking forward to next week. -Betty Robinson

"By extending appreciation and goodwill to others, we contribute to an ongoing cycle of blessings and gratitude, which attracts more abundance into our own lives. When we make a conscious effort to pass along our gratitude and appreciation to others, and reach out to help others in the same way that others have helped us, we automatically contribute our energy to a higher process of growth, improvement, and gratitude that blesses everyone it touches. At the same time, the positive energy we put forth will begin to attract more abundance into our own lives, in the form of appreciation and generosity from others. As you reach out to others in gratitude and goodwill today, you are calling forth powerful energy to bless them, and yourself. "


  1. Thanks Betty, that is wonderful. I'd love to read more by the author. Is it something you can share?
    I am grateful to have you on the AHL Team. Thank you for all you contribute. Good Night, San

  2. Hi San - This was taken from one of the Daily OM inspirational messages. I have subscribed to the Daily OM for quite some time now and have benefitted tremendously from the ongoing words of wisdom shared through this site. I believe you mentioned the Daily OM in one of the AHL blog posts. I encourage others in the group to subscribe to the site and its free. You can also get a message based on your astrological sign. These are just as insightful. Best always, Betty

  3. Daily OM is great, isn't it. So many rich and wonderous gems well worth sharing. I loved this one that you found and shared. I know there are times I'm in a rush and just skim it before deleting it. Thanks for making this fresh and new for me again.
