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Thursday, November 5, 2009


Food is powerful. Bad habits are powerful.

When things get rough, JAWZ is waiting. It is so tempting to fall back into old patterns and habits. I have been struggling with this for the past several weeks. My husband and I have been waiting for information on whether his employment was going to continue. We kept asking and they kept skirting the issue - until two days ago. We know now he will be let go at the end of the year. Even after a year living with the AHL principles, my first thought when I heard the news was - I wonder if I can eat my weight in Brownies.

Realistically, eating my weight in Brownies doesn't help anything. But most people cannot make that connection - they just know it feels good or tastes good to block out things with food.

I admit to eating a few brownies - exception! - but also to embracing the principles of our program.

Bright Train/Dark Train has been especially helpful to me as I try to look for the positive in this event. I take comfort in the knowledge that God doesn't give us more than we can handle and that the AHL principles apply and are helpful.

So, we'll see how things go.



  1. Tee - I know that Dark Train may feel like it's in your living room, but know that WE are here to help shine the light to save your place on the Bright Train - room for the whole family!

    Thank you so much for trusting us enough to share this. We love you and will support you in any way we can!

    Love - Gerri

  2. Tee, Let's intend that this change will bring something much better for you both. I love you, San

  3. San - Good plan. I love you, too. Tee

  4. Love you, Tee. Thanks so much for bringing yourself and your concerns to this safe place. You know Rod and I are here for you, no matter the challenge. Love to you and Larry... he will find something that suits him, probably better if you can hold that up, and your intentions will bring you goodness. You give out goodness, so know it will come back to you. Have Faith. Prue
