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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Day

Sigh ... So glad I'm heading to Qi Gong tonight. I feel as if this day just happened without my consent. I know we all have those days, best intentions, having goals to accomplish and then distractions and the normal course of life just change plans. My priorities shifted and that's ok too.

So glad I have our Healthy and Fit principles to draw on. I was actually fine with food today, but other aspects of my day just didn't go as planned. It's all ok. I keep looking for what's great about it. I remember that even tho I don't feel like I've made any progress today, I did do some things that are oriented towards my goals. So I know it will work out.

Thanks for the great Pesto recipe San. I hadn't ever thought of having something like this on hand for health benefits. I love the chance to learn something new each day.

It's so nice to have this Blog as well, to reach out, share, and regain my Healthy and Fit perspective.

Love! Gerri


  1. Gerri,
    I cut this recipe out years ago and still haven't tried it but this time around I am going to make it. I think it will freeze well.
    Hope that Qi Gong is wonderful! xoxo

  2. Hang in there Gerri. I know the feeling. Yesterday I was stress eating - AND I KNOW BETTER. Sending you lots of LOVE! Tee

  3. Qi Gong helped. I knew it would. Tho I also had a glass of wine when I got home! Just a bit of a see-saw today. To bed - tomorrow is another day.
