We’ve all heard the metaphors: Glass Half Full – Glass Half Empty; High Road – Low Road; Bright Train – Dark Train; Lemons or Lemonade.
The crux of each of these metaphors is CHOICE - when faced with a situation WE get to choose our response …it may be consciously taken or we may be on autopilot, but we do choose.
We can find the good or positive in a situation or we can focus on the obstacles, the negative, and the bad. Our results, really our life, depend on how we interpret and respond to a situation. What we chose becomes our reality so we choose our reality. So why not chose the story that supports your desired results?
Here are a couple of examples showing different interpretations or thoughts:
We can say… I’ll always have weight problems
Or we can say… I’m always learning new ways to help me maintain a healthy weight.
We could say...being fit is just too much work
Or we can say... learning how to be fit and healthy is fun and rewarding.
One will keep you where you are, the second will allow you to create a new reality. Do you hear and feel the difference? In the first our energy is lowered, the 2nd is empowering.
Increasing our awareness of when our thoughts are not leading us in a positive direction and readjusting our thinking is the first step to rewriting our life.
- What thought or thoughts did you catch yourself thinking this week? Share it? And share at least one way you can rewrite this to be more positive and empowering.
- Was there something that you heard growing up that still has a hold over you? A limiting thought? Again, share it, rewrite it. By sharing on the blog you are taking the first step to releasing it’s hold over you.
- Make a list of stories/beliefs/thoughts that don’t serve you. Take one and rewrite it. Imagine yourself using a new pair of glasses to see an old problem or challenge from a fresh perspective. How might a wise grandmother deal with the issue?
- When talking with a friend, do you notice when they say something limiting about themself. Use this as an opportunity to say…what about thinking about it this way…sometimes by helping someone else rewrite their story we increase our ability to rewrite our own.