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Monday, July 26, 2010

Creating Change by Stretching your Comfort Zone

To create new and different results we must stretch beyond our current comfort zone.
CHANGE just doesn't happen within the comfort and safety of your current operating system!

This doesn't necessarily mean you need to turn your life upside down, quite the contrary, we have found that small incremental steps will create lasting change and real results.

Think of your comfort zone as a rubber band. Stretch it on Monday by walking an extra mile and on Tuesday morning when you get up that rubber band may have contracted a bit but never all the way. It is easier to do again because you've done it once. There are a million other examples but you get the picture.

If you continually stretch and add a moderate or even a tiny bit more whether it's restraint or progression your comfort zone will be always be in a state of expansion. The great news is that this is true in your quest to be healthy, happy, successful ... really all areas of your life!

Abundant Health is our goal and every choice we make all day long moves us up and down the Wellness Continuum.
Picture a scale with a state of disease and despair on one end and ultimate health and joy on the other. With each choice you make you are moving towards one or the other.
One ice cream sundae is not going to make you ill and one walk is not going to make you healthy but you get the picture. It is the cumulative sum of all your choices that make you
one or the other.

1. What is one area of your life where you have successfully stretched your comfort zone?
2. What is the next thing you want to work on and how will you stretch your comfort zone?

1. This week, commit to that ONE new action to stretch your comfort zone.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I wanted to examine the root words for the concept of willpower.  According to - will means to wish or desire and power means the ability to do or act.  So it would follow that willpower means to wish or desire the ability to do or act.  To be successful requires willpower.  But does it?  That seems contrary to the definition which clearly states that it is merely a wish for power - not a guarantee for success.

My Pop Pop used to say, "If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride."  He also said, "If wishes and buts were candy and nuts, my what a Christmas we'd have."  His point was that wishes aren't going to make it happen.

Willpower cannot be achieved without first gaining power over your mind or your mindset.   There are so many platitudes that remind us of this fact -

  • If you think it - you can do it. 
  • If it's important you can make it happen. 
  • Thoughts become things - make them good ones.
To believe in and set your mind to something changes the dynamics.  You're no longer wishing for power, you are setting the stage to believe in yourself and your goals.  What is your mind set?  Are you trying to achieve your goals purely through will?  Or have you bought into what you want, set your goals and built a belief system (mindset) that will help you become successful?

Have you ever experienced what it is like to try and accomplish something based merely on will - or the wish for success.  What did that feel like?
Now think about a time where you set out to achieve a goal with your mind, heart and body set for success.  How was that different.

Think of a small goal.  Spend a day wishing for the power (willpower) to achieve the goal.  At the end of the day, how successful were you?  Then spend another day working toward the same goal with a firm plan, an open heart and a spirit of success.  Compare the results.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Helping You to Stop and Go

This week we’re going to look at some specific applications of Anything Is Better Than Nothing. These are techniques that you can implement in a variety of ways to keep you moving in the right direction. Sometimes we want to make progress in stopping or delaying a behavior or action. And other times we want to find the motivation to stretch a little more towards our healthy goals. These are techniques that can be used to help you do both. And the best thing is – they are simple!

When we make little changes, stretch our comfort zone just a small amount, we don’t resist the change so much. And when we do that consistently, soon our comfort zone has changed, and we are that much healthier.

Our first technique is called Plus One

• Plus One is about doing one more minute, one more mile, one more block, one more repetition … your goal is to stretch the action and benefit just a little more than you did yesterday or the week before. Any stretch beyond your usual level of activity is a positive step and works in your favor.

• This is easy to apply to exercise. It can also be used with other things, like increasing your water intake – one more glass, one more gulp. Apply this to reading you do for personal development – one more page, one more chapter.

• This works with any beneficial activity – get extra benefit by applying the Plus One technique.

Then we have those habits or actions that really don’t serve us. Here is a place to apply a Five Minute Mission.

• Five Minute Missions are when you choice to delay an action. Delaying eating a snack or having a glass of wine for just five minutes more

• In the moment you might say I can’t do this but if you take it five minutes at a time you can do it.  Commit to holding out just five more minutes and you are expanding your Comfort Zone.  Just think about the next five minutes. If that’s too much, think about the next five seconds; stay in the immediate moment.

• Even if we postpone eating the cake for five or ten minutes and then have some, we’ve still successfully delayed that bite. Every time you wait a little longer, you get better at waiting and before you know you have changed your Basic Nature and you don’t even want cake anymore.

• This technique doesn’t just apply to eating either! If you’re goal is to quit smoking, you could try waiting 5 minutes before lighting up. If you have a big project or chore to do, decide to spend 5 extra minutes on it the next time you work on it. Get creative!


- When do you feel like you have your ‘weak moments.’ When do you feel like you slip the most? Could a Five Minute Mission help in these times? Blog about how you feel after you’ve been able to use this technique.

- Share your most creative ways you employed the Plus One technique. Have fun with this! Did you park on row further away from the entrance? Did you go up and down the stairs one more time…just because? Let’s see how many different ways this technique can be put into practice this week!


- Pick a healthy activity that you currently do and apply the Plus One technique. Use this technique to increase your activity just a little bit. Depending on the activity, add a little bit more each day or every few days. You’ll be surprised at how much progress you’ll make by doing this!

- Choose to use a 5 minute mission on some task or action this week. Use a timer, if it helps.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Anything is Better Than Nothing

This is such a powerful principle and one that totally changed how I look at the world ... in both health and other areas too!~

This principle is not complicated, it is about not stopping yourself from accomplishing a little bit just because you don't have the time, energy, money, whatever to do it all.

  • Can't walk five miles, fine, walk to the mail box.
  • Can't be perfect with your fuel selections for an entire day, how about one meal or two?
  • Can't make all of the calls on your list, sit down for 15 minutes and do a few.

You get it, it's simple, simple, simple but IT WORKS!! All of your smaller efforts add up and ... anything is better than nothing!!

Pick something where you could take some action, right now. Blog about it.
Pick a day this week to challenge yourself to make short bursts of progress in as many areas as you can.

What is area that you are best in making little steps towards that greater goal?
What is the one thing that you always push off because you can't tackle the entire expectation/goal?
What do you think stops you from making progress towards your goal?
Share where you will will apply this principle this week.