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Monday, March 30, 2009

Thanks for inviting me!!

Very excited to be part of this team, and this program! It has already made an impact on me ... I think about food as fuel versus poison every day. I'm working on getting my body moving. Now I just need to remember to take those Going Going Gone pills!


  1. Elissa, I am thrilled to have you on the TEAM!!

  2. Yeah, me too. Hey, i made up a little chart that I scotchtaped to the kitchcabinet door where I keep all my Arbonne Figure8 goodies. It helps me to remember Going Going Gone. Boing Boing Bong! I set the timer on my cellphone and it rings exactly 5 minutes before I'm supposed to take the supplement PRIOR to break lunch din.
    So far it's working. Hey, last night I skipped the chocolate chip cookie that was yelling EAT ME. Yahoo!

  3. Good idea to use my cellphone alarm ~ thanks, Prue! Am I supposed to take a GGG before my shake in the morning (which is my breakfast)? I'm assuming that I am but I haven't been.

    Glad that you were able to ignore the screaming cookie last night!!! :)

  4. Fuel vs. Poison is already becoming a part of my mindset, as well. :)

  5. Loved Prue's suggestion for setting the cell phone alarm. Now, Elissa is going to have to show me how ... Ha Ha!!

  6. Elissa - Going Going Gone - YES to taking it before your morning shake too. I didn't do this originally and that one little adjustment helped me start seeing results. I now have a little pouch I have in my purse where I carry GGG as well so if I'm out to lunch I have it with me. They work!
